Talk on Globalisation and DeGlobalisation

Gary (first row, centre) with the participants

The Faculty of Accountancy and Management (FAM) and the Centre for Sustainable Development and Corporate Social Responsibility in Business (CSDCSR) organised a talk titled “Globalisation and DeGlobalisation” at Sungai Long campus on 12 July 2017.

The talk was delivered by Gary Lit Ying Loong, the director of GL Training and Consultancy based in Singapore and his role is that of a business investment and consulting.

Present at the event were FAM Dean Dr Sia Bee Chuan, CSDCSR Chairperson Dr Falahat, lecturers, staff and students.

Gary started his talk by first sharing his experience during his recent tour around Europe and then he proceeded to discuss the crisis encountered in the Europe. He showed his enthusiasm in sharing his experience and said, “Whatever little I know, I hope that I can share with you all as homely, openly and sincerely because I truly believe in the mission and vision of UTAR.”

He tested the participants’ global consciousness through their recognition of well-known logos such as McDonald, Pepsi and Alibaba, as well as international abbreviations like IMF, WTO, EU, TPP, and NAFTA. He also provided some examples of global leaders and successful giants especially in technology and political areas.

Apart from that, a series of questions were asked to foster the participants’ understanding of the globalisation. Gary also highlighted the importance of knowing one’s position in the globalisation and asked, “More importantly, how do you position yourselves for the globalisation and deglobalisation nationally and personally? Not only for long term personal interest but also for short term. I hope at the end of this lecture, you can take away something useful and apply to yourselves.”

Besides, he shed some light on the current issues and explained about the technology globalisation and the cultural globalisation. He also shared about the definition of globalisation, from the different perspectives of authors and researchers.

“From the perspective of business school and business student, we tend to think of it as economic globalisation, but it can be more than that. We also talk about the cultural globalisation and now even the globalisation of the politics. We were lucky to have a very good speaker in terms of his expertise today, and we definitely benefitted from this talk together,” said Dr Sia.

The talk ended by presenting a token of appreciation to Gary, followed by photo taking session.

Gary is a retired lecturer from the Nanyang Technology University (NTU) and also a visiting professor to more than 20 universities both in Asia and Europe, including some very established universities in Europe. His present company, GL Training and Consultancy have businesses in different sectors of the economies in the Asian-Pacific region. Among the businesses are hotels and properties, food and beverage, plantation, manufacturing, and others.

Dr Sia (right) presenting a token of appreciation to Gary (left)

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