Scientific talk series

With the initiatives to strengthen cross disciplinary researches and to promote lifelong learning, as well as to enable staff and students to be updated on the latest local and global research trends, a series of talk was organised by the Faculty of Science (FSc) at the Kampar Campus.

The talks saw the presence of FSc Dean Assoc Prof Dr Lim Tuck Meng, Deputy Dean for Student Development and Industrial Training Dr Sit Nam Weng, and Department of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Head Dr Lam Weng Hoe, along with staff and students.

The first talk was held on 3 July 2017, where the speaker who is also Yuan Ze University Office of Research and Development Dean Prof Dr Kuen-Song Lin, presented findings from his research titled “Stimuli-responsive Magnetic Powder/Polymer Nanocomposites for Multi-functional Drug Delivery System on Alzheimer's Diseases or Cancers Diagnosis and Therapy". His study aimed to identify the synthesis, characterisation and biomedical application of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SIONs).

Prof Lin explaining nanotechnology breakthroughs

Further into the research, participants were informed of the development of multifunctional nanocarriers, which are composed of SIONs cores and thermo-responsive Pluronic F127 (F127) and are used to enhance paclitaxel (PTX) targeted delivery. From there, the efficacy of PTX-F127-SIONs nanocarriers in treatment, localisation, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of colon cancer were evaluated on the in vitro and in vivo models. Ultimately, his study researched on the efficacy of using nanoparticles as a new drug delivery method.

“The talk has given me insights on how chemical engineering can be applied in medical research. Coming from a pure biological science background, I am very curious and fascinated with research projects done by other researchers. Therefore, it is very mind opening to learn about the various methods that can be used for drug delivery, apart from the typical molecular biology aspect,” said Master of Science student Lim Yi Ying.

In another talk that was held on 7 July 2017, speaker and Bachelor of Science (Bsc) (Hons) Logistics and International Shipping External Examiner, Prof Xiangtong Qi shared how Operations Research can generate value to the industry and how these works may be aligned to his scholarly career development. Titled “From Industrial Projects to Academic Research”, his research enlightens the participants with information based on real industrial projects, such as logistic companies, namely Continental Airlines, US Postal Services, Hong Kong International Terminals, and Hong Kong Air Cargo Terminals.

Prof Qi explaining the purpose of simulation model

In the talk titled “Behavioural ecology with special reference to insect pest management” that was held on 11 July 2017, speaker and BSc (Hons) Agricultural Science External Examiner Prof Wang Qiao shared information on how using behavioural ecology can help to control agricultural insect pests.

Present at this talk was Department of Agricultural and Food Science Head Dr Tan Yen Nee with staff and students.

Prof Wang explaining the behavioural ecology of insects

Apart from understanding how animals’ behaviours evolve in response to ecological pressure, the talk also included topics such as survival and reproduction of insects; resource acquisition and allocation; mate choice and sexual selection; potential mechanisms of large-scale pest migration; applications of sex pheromones for pest management; behaviour-based pest biological control strategies and insecticide/GMO resistance management; and consequences of mating events to females and potential development of biopesticides.

With his 20-year research on insect behavioural and biological control ecology, Prof Wang’s research finding showed that by disrupting the traits involved in their survival and reproduction, the insect pest can be controlled and managed. Although it may have difficulty in implementation as nature and ecology are unpredictable, Prof Wang believes that this method is one of the environmental friendly ways to manage insect pest, while being able to conserve the environmental quality.

At the end of each talk, a token of appreciation was presented to each speaker.

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