Talk on the power of positive thinking

The Centre for Foundation Studies (CFS) of Kampar Campus successfully organised a talk titled “Thinking and Living Positively” by Faculty of Arts and Social Science (FAS) Senior Lecturer Low Sew Kim on 15 February 2017 at Kampar Campus. She shared valuable advice and encouragement to over 170 participants who attended the talk.

“The way you think and the way you live influence the way you feel,” said Low. “We have to think positively if we want to survive. Thinking positively is constructive and productive. It is definitely not the same as daydreaming,” she explained.

Participants were actively engaged in the talk as she provided relevant examples based on real life scenarios and concerns such as assignments, Valentine’s Day, and popular Korean culture. She also used examples applicable to students’ daily lives, for instance how positive thinking influences the results of seemingly trivial matters such as looking for parking and attending lecture classes. She encouraged the participants to decide consciously and to think positively if they want something, and believe that they will achieve that. “We should train ourselves to think positively as positive thoughts welcome and channel positive energy to our thoughts. And a positive mind triggers and generates positive outcomes. Our attitude determines the way we think,” she added.  

The participants listened attentively and took part in interactive activities. She asked the participants to look at both sides of their palms as she illustrated that there are pros and cons in our lives and we have to be more open minded to things that happen, especially things that are out of our control. She emphasised, “You cannot change the given environment, but you can change the way you think of the environment.”

Lastly, she advised the participants to mingle with people who are positive and happy; they will be influenced by them. “We should spend more time around people who always encourage others and have positive outlooks on life as they empower others around them to do the same,” Low heartened the participants.

Organised by CFS of Kampar Campus with the hope of providing motivation and encouragement to the participants who are mostly UTAR students, the talk also hoped to edify the participants on the importance and power of thinking and living positively. Also attending the talk were CFS Kampar Campus Deputy Director for Student Affairs and Development Lim Khiew Loon, the Heads of the Departments of CFS Kampar Campus and UTAR CFS lecturers. 

Low is a registered counsellor from the Department of Psychology and Counselling parked under FAS. Besides being an academician, she is also actively involved in the Perak Society for the Promotion of Mental health.

Low explaining the benefits of positive thinking  

Lim (right) presenting a token of appreciation to Low


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