Memory Power Talk

Wong (fifth from left) with the participants

A talk on “How to improve your Memory by 100% easily” was organised by the Centre for Extension Education (CEE) in collaboration with Malaysia Mental Literacy Movement (MMLM) at Sungai Long Campus on 7 November 2017. The talk was aimed to share the ideas and tips on how to improve the memory easily in a practical way.

Wong delivering his talk

The speaker invited to deliver the talk was Wong Wan Jiun, the founder of Power Memory which provides brain development and training services. During the talk, he demonstrated his memory and recall skills, and also shared some memory tricks and techniques to the participants. “Assigning meaning to hard-to-remember things such as letters and numbers can help you to increase your brain’s ability to memorise the information easily,” he told. He emphasised that everyone has potential to train their brain, regardless of the age.

He also mentioned that left and right brains function differently; the left-brained people are more analytical, logical, and methodical while the right-brained people are more artistic, imaginative, and creative.

In order to help the participants understand their own right brain and left brain tendencies, a "Name that colour" test was also conducted at the talk. “Most of the Malaysians tend to use their left brain more than their right brain due to the education system that is more academic-oriented. When we try to name the physical colour of a word, we always tend to read the word more than the colour or take a longer time to name the colour,” Wong explained, “The part of our brain that reads will interfere with the part that identifies the colour.”

Wong also pointed out that creativity is considered as right-brain characteristic, yet great creativity is based on great memory. “You would probably think that memory is the exact opposite of creativity, but the fact is, you will become more creative if you improve your ability to remember,” he said.

The interesting talk ended with a souvenir presentation by CEE Director Lim Guat Yen to Wong as a token of appreciation, followed by a group photography session.

Lim (right) presenting a token of appreciation to Wong

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