The Alumni Merdeka Dinner

Photography session

The “UTAR Alumni Get Together with President” in conjunction with the Merdeka celebration was organised by the Department of Alumni Relations and Placement (DARP) at the Multi-purpose Hall of Sungai Long Campus on 26 August 2016.

Present at the gathering was UTAR President Ir Prof Academician Dato’ Dr Chuah Hean Teik, Faculty of Accountancy and Management Deputy Dean for Academic Development and Undergraduate Programmes Dr Hen Kai Wah, alumni, students and staff.

The event aimed to enhance the past graduates’ connection and to forge closer ties through more exchanges of ideas and experiences. In conjunction with the Merdeka celebration, this event was held to be reminded of the true spirit of independence and unity despite our diverse backgrounds, religions and cultures.

Prof Chuah said, “We gathered here tonight to celebrate 60 years of unity and harmony despite having our own set of differences in terms of religion, ethnicity, background, culture and knowledge. Although it is these differences that set us apart, it is also these differences that made us learn to pay mutual respect and honour each other’s values. Our differences are the reason why we are able to gather around and establish friendships that consist of unique cultures, be perceptive to opinions and above all, be united based on mutual understanding as respected individuals.”

“I would like to acknowledge the efforts and extended participation given by every single member of the alumni community, by giving a heartfelt thanks for the multiple hats you have worn to further improve on UTAR’s development that ranges from contributing ideas and opportunities to organising activities and events that instil the sense of belonging among the fellow alumni towards your alma mater,” added Prof Chuah.

Various cultural performances were held such as wushu, traditional dances, e-rezeki talk and lucky draw sessions throughout the event.

Dr Hen presenting the lucky draw prizes to the winners

Prof Chuah delivering his speech

 Wushu performance by the UTAR Wushu Club

Indian traditional dance performance

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