UTAR-ITC student exchange

UTAR and ITC students during the exchange programme

Succeeding its previous collaborations with the International Technical College (ITC), UTAR Department of Student Affairs (DSA) together with its Choir Unit came together once again for another exchange programme on 24 August 2017 at the Sungai Long Campus.

Present at the exchange programme were ITC Principal Toru Takei, UTAR Vice President for Student Development and Alumni Relations Prof Dr Choong Chee Keong, UTAR Choir Instructor Osamu Moroe, DSA Head of Sungai Long Campus Loh Nyuk Leung and Organising Chairperson Lau Chuan Jie.

The main objective of the programme was to encourage international exchange between UTAR and ITC. The event started with both UTAR and ITC students performing choir songs, including “Tabi da Chino Hini”, “Wueo Muite Aluko”, “Cantate Domino in Bb” and “Telu no Uta”. The performances were then followed by a series of game and interaction session.

Prof Choong said, “International exchange programmes such as this serves as a platform for the students to broaden their horizons and learn more by experiencing things for themselves. I am also glad that our students have the chance to experience different cultures and religions, meet different peers from other countries, and develop a greater understanding of diversity. I always believe that people who embrace diverse perspectives and changes are more capable of rising to the challenges ahead.”

“This is the first visit to Malaysia for many of the students here today. In the effort to encourage more students to join co-curricular activities and make new friends, we have been in touch with UTAR for exchange activities over the years. I am truly grateful that through our friendship with UTAR for international programmes, our visit to Malaysia and UTAR is even more memorable and meaningful as our students are able to learn about the local culture and people,” said Principal Tooru.

Since the inception of the UTAR Choir team in 2011, there have been a number of inbound and outbound student exchange programmes between UTAR and ITC. Throughout the years, DSA (Sungai Long Campus) has worked with ITC Chiba, Japan closely on Mobility Programme (Inbound) and hosted ITC yearly from 2012-2013 and from 2015-2016 for musical and cultural exchange programmes. 

Performance by ITC students

UTAR choir unit singing “Cantate Domino in Bb”, instructed by Moroe

ITC students enjoying traditional Malaysian desserts

UTAR and ITC students during the interaction session

Breaking the ice with games

Prof Choong (left) and Principal Tooru speaking at UTAR-ITC Student Exchange

Some of the previous collaborations with ITC:

1. http://www.utar.edu.my/econtent_sub.jsp?fcatid=16&fcontentid=8085

2. http://www.utar.edu.my/econtent_sub.jsp?fcatid=16&fcontentid=8219

3. http://www.utar.edu.my/econtent_sub.jsp?fcatid=16&fcontentid=26857 

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