Rise and shine

It was certainly a call for the participants at the “Rise and Shine: Special Olympics” talk, organised by Centre for Foundation Studies (CFS) Kampar on 16 August 2017 at the Kampar Campus, to take up their social responsibilities through the participation in various activities that would greatly contribute to the society.

The participants, consisting of CFS Kampar Deputy Director of Student Affairs and Development Lim Khiew Loon, staff and students, were enlightened when speaker and Vice President of Special Olympics Perak Rocky Loo, elucidated to the participants that they can do so by participating in activities conducted by the organisation, and further explained about Special Olympics and the activities that will be held in Perak.

In line with the university’s goal to instil the participants with the consciousness of their role towards the professional and social world, the talk imparted to participants about the initiative of the organisation and educated them on how they can play a role in becoming coordinators of the Special Olympic activities. Consequently, the participants were also encouraged to actively participate in various activities to enhance their leadership, planning and coordinating skills.

From the speaker, the participants understood that the Special Olympics was a global movement introduced in 1986 by Eunice Kennedy Shriver and it served athletes with intellectual disabilities by working with hundreds of thousands of volunteers and coaches each year, giving them a continuous opportunity to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage, experience joy, and participate in the sharing of gifts, skills and friendship with their families, other Special Olympics athletes and the community.

He also proudly shared that there are currently 30,000 athletes in Malaysia and around three million Special Olympics athletes around the world, growing greatly from its initial swimming sport. He also introduced the World Summer Games and the World Winter Games. For each game, he explained to the participants about the required age group, the criteria for the competition and the scoring methods.

Loo then shared inspirational photos of various athletes participating in the Special Olympics, and spoke about the Motto Activity Training Programme (MATP) which was designed for athletes who were unable to participate in the official Special Olympics competitions due to their skills; about the upcoming Special Olympics Winter games that will be held end of this year, Special Olympics National Games 2018, as well as the state and national games that will be held in Perak.

The talk ended with an interactive Q&A session, followed by a certificate presentation to Loo by Lim.

 Loo explaining about the mission of Special Olympics  

 Lim (left) presenting a token of appreciation to Loo

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