Career Talk in Deloitte

From left: Lee, Assoc Prof David Ng, Peter Leong, Dr Sia, Shamini and Lim

The Faculty of Accountancy and Management (FAM) Department of Accountancy organised a talk on 29 March 2018 at Sungai Long Campus. Present at the talk were FAM Dean Dr Sia Bee Chuan, Assoc Prof David Ng Ching Yat, Head of Accountancy Department K. Shamini and Assoc Prof Dr A.Thillaisundaram. Representing Deloitte were its Training and Talent Engagement Manager Peter Leong, Deloitte Tax Assistant in Business Tax Compliance Lee Ming Jet, Deloitte intern Lim Yihong, students and staff.

The talk aimed to provide the students with the insights of working in Deloitte and the awareness of career opportunities. The talk also exposed the students on the internship and training programmes which cultivate hands-on learning experience.

Leong first gave an overview of the company and explained the available programmes such as the Deloitte Tax Apprenticeship Programme. He also shared the company’s working culture, focusing on well-balanced work life which incorporates work and play elements.  

Lim shared his journey as an intern at Deloitte while saying, “My overall experience as an intern at Deloitte is amazing. Basically, some of my tasks are writing reports, dealing with clients, conducting analysis and many more. I’ve experienced teamwork and professionalism during work with the support and care of my colleagues. There is no need for one to be fully skilled, however one crucial thing is to persevere and to be willing to learn new knowledge. He added, “Open up yourself and explore more activities starting from now to gain more experience and knowledge which will help you in securing a better opportunity in the future.”

“My colleagues at Deloitte are very encouraging and supportive. The challenges I face enables me to grow further and it trains me to perform better in future task. In order to overcome a difficulty, one must be positive and find solutions independently to achieve effectiveness and efficiency. Do not expect others to spoon-feed you,” said Lee while he shared his experience as a tax assistant.

The talk was followed by a Q&A session between the speakers and students before it adjourned. 

 From left: Leong, Lim and Lee sharing their work experiences

Accounting students during the talk


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