UTAR Leadership Camp 2018

UTAR Leadership Camp 2018 Organising Committee and the participants

Ninety-eight secondary school students learnt the ropes of becoming a leader during the UTAR Leadership Camp 2018 held at Kampar Campus from 14 to 15 April 2018.

It was organised by the Division of Programme Promotion (DPP) with the assistance of 10 UTAR ambassadors. The two-day-one-night camp aimed to uncover the participants’ leadership potential and to develop their skills in problem-solving, critical thinking, teamwork and communication. Held for the second time, UTAR Leadership Camp this year was attended by students from SMJK Sam Tet, SMJK Perempuan Perak, SMJK Shing Chung, SMJK Choong Hua, SMK Dato’ Panglima Perang Kiri and SMJK Tsung Wah.

Representing UTAR Vice President for Student Development and Alumni Relations Prof Dr Choong Chee Keong at the opening ceremony was Head of Student Affairs Department (Kampar Campus) Chiang Jeng Fong. Also present were AFS Antarabudaya Malaysia Perak Chapter Assistant Secretary Low Pei Fern, Head of DPP (Kampar Campus) Tan Choon Wah and Organising Chairperson Loh Jia Hui.

Welcoming the adolescent participants to the camp, Loh gave a brief overview of the camp’s programmes throughout the two days. “The camp consists of talks and activities. While talks are a great way for knowledge input, there should be an avenue for its application. Therefore, the organising committee has also specially designed some hands-on activities which we hope will inspire you and allow you to apply the things you have picked up from the talks,” explained the UTARambassador, further encouraging the participants to step out of their comfort zone and take the initiative to know new friends. “Remember that leaders are not born but made,” he reassured them.

Besides congratulating the UTARambassadors as well as student helpers for making the camp a success, Chiang also encouraged the participants to learn as much as they can throughout the camp and apply those skillsets in their daily lives as well as their future careers. “Soft skills such as problem-solving, critical thinking, teamwork and communication are extremely important and relevant especially when you are at work. While knowledge may get you to the door, your skills will open most of the doors to a brighter future,” said Chiang.

The guests were then invited on stage to unveil the backdrop of the UTAR Leadership Camp 2018 to signify the official launch of the camp. The ceremony came to an end following a souvenir presentation session and group photography session.  

 From left: Tan, Low, Chiang and Loh looking on after unveiling the backdrop of the camp

 Loh presenting tokens of appreciation to (clockwise from top) Chiang, Low and Tan 

 The invited guests, participants and student helpers taking a group photo after the launch 

During the camp, the participants were divided into groups and put through a series of activities including ice-breaking, kite flying, debate and group performance sessions which strengthened their bond as teammates and further tested their skills in critical thinking, problem-solving, communication and creativity. 

 Participants paying close attention to the camp facilitators’ instructions on Day 1 (left) and Day 2 (right) 

 Participants having a whale of a time during the ice-breaking session

Participants being blindfolded in a game which tested their teamwork, communication skills and trust for one another

 Participants practising for their group performances

To allow the participants to experience life as a student in an award-winning university campus, the organising committee also arranged a guided campus tour introducing UTAR’s genesis, overview of Kampar Campus and its attractions. 

 The participants touring the campus 

Further enriching the camp were motivational talk series delivered by memory experts Teo Kim Foo and West Wong Woon Chieng. As the first Malaysian titleholder of the International Master of Memory, Teo taught the participants tricks and tips to boost memory through his talk titled “Increase memory by 300%”. Wong, who is a UTAR alumnus popularly known as the Malaysian Human Calculator, related his experience in exceeding himself and subsequently gave advice to the participants on “How to be successful in your life?”.  

Teo delivering his talk titled “Increase memory by 300%”

Loh (right) presenting a token of appreciation to Teo

Wong explaining to the participants the definition of success

Loh (right) presenting a token of appreciation to Wong

Elated to have made friends with people of different backgrounds and races, Japanese student Marin Onzuka said, “Initially I thought I would have a difficult time communicating with the participants but it turned out otherwise. My teammates are so friendly and considerate that I didn’t feel left out at all.” Currently an exchange student at Bidor’s SMJK Choong Hwa, she also expressed her interest to join similar camps in the future as it was overall an enjoyable experience.

Echoing the same sentiment was SMK Dato’ Panglima Perang Kiri’s Nur Aqilah Alya binti Husin who was grateful to meet interesting and understanding teammates. “I would certainly encourage more students or the people I know who are of different backgrounds to actively participate in such leadership camps.”

Impressed and inspired by the camp’s enriching activities, SMJK Tsung Wah’s Theebban Raj Suresh Kumar said, “It is really a useful camp for me as I did learn a lot especially through the ‘Increasing Memory by 300%’ talk. Besides that, we also learnt about the importance of communication and teamwork through an interesting blindfold game.”

The camp drew its curtains after a riveting performance by the groups followed by a prize giving and a group photo session.

Following the success of the inaugural UTAR GO 2017 Leadership & Interaction Camp last year, the UTAR Leadership Camp 2018 is the second youth engagement camp organised by DPP to boost secondary school students’ leadership skills. 

UTAR Leadership Camp 2018 Organising Committee and student helpers


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