Unlocking Mobile Economy

Jen Yong (front row, second from left) with the participants

A talk titled “Unlock the Next Mobile Economy” was jointly organised by Lee Kong Chian Faculty of Engineering and Science (LKC FES) and Unovate Centre at Sungai Long Campus on 13 August 2018.

Invited to deliver the talk was the Founder of SYNDES Technologies Sdn Bhd, Jen Yong. She has 13 years of experience in technologies spanning multiple areas in mobile related industries from mobile wireless optimisation, mobile security, sales and marketing to business operation.

Jen Yong introducing SYNDES to the audience

Jen Yong began her talk by introducing SYNDES and its goals. “SYNDES was founded in 2009. At the very beginning, we only provided IT programmes to all the corporates. The first few years, 2009 to 2014 to be exact, we did not really do well and we failed to gain any profit.  We were going through a tough time when I coincidentally met a friend who introduced me to my current Samsung partner. That was how I ventured into this industry. In the year 2014, I partnered with Samsung and sold Samsung’s product known as Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM). However, that time no one knew what EMM was. Even until today there are still many people who do not know what EMM is. I started my first business of EMM in the second half of 2016. That was when corporates, especially those who worked in the IT field, started realising the importance of having this solution. EMM is important because most of the enterprises use mobile phones for their business these days. Hence, we offered EMM solutions to ensure employees stay productive and compliant with corporate policies,” said Jen Yong.

Audience listening attentively

She then continued, “SYNDES EMM solutions maintain the crucial balance between security control and efficiency of both the corporate-owned and the employee-owned (BYOD) devices in an organisation. The solutions are built to carry out Over-the-Air (OTA) distribution of applications, data and configuration settings for all types of mobile devices, tablets, ruggedised devices and computers. Having the ability to manage multi-operating devices, multi-vendors and multi-form factors under a single mobility ecosystem, the solutions ensure businesses achieve secure mobility management. By connecting all types of operating systems within a single management console, these solutions integrate mobile devices, applications, Internet of Things (IoT) endpoints and back office systems into one system.”

Furthermore, she shared with the audience about her philosophy and further explained what is the next mobile economy. “Just 10 years since the introduction of the first mass-market smartphones, mobile devices have become the default for how people and companies, governments and other organisations communicate. Eighty-seven per cent of today’s business leaders believe collaborative mobile tools will unlock the flexibility and productivity and that is key to meeting the needs of employees and customers alike,” said Jen Yong.

She added, “Mobile economy can be open but must be controlled. The ease and speed with which confidential information can be transferred through mobile devices is indeed a matter of concern. A quarter of business leaders in the IT sector expressed ‘extreme concern’ on this. In the next mobile economy, mobile workforces will forge new, exciting inter-company collaborations to boost efficiency and effectiveness. The challenge for business leaders is to make the most of these opportunities and enjoy the flexibility of open mobile working, while retaining security and control.”

The talk then ended with an interactive Q&A session followed by the presentation of souvenir to Jen Yong by LKC FES Head of Programme for Master of Information Systems Dr Wong Whee Yen.

Dr Wong (left) presenting a token of appreciation to Jen Yong

Participants posing questions during Q&A session


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