Expanding knowledge in the Philippines

With the purpose of enhancing students’ learning experience, the eighth cultural learning and exploration trip to Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation (MSEUF), Lucena City, Philippines was successfully organised from 23 to 30 September 2018. A total of 15 UTAR students participated in the study tour and they were accompanied by Centre for Teaching and Learning (CLT) Chairperson Dr Wei Chooi Yi and Department of Finance Head Kuah Yoke Chin. Upon arrival, UTAR staff and students were welcomed by three academicians from the College of Business and Accountancy (CBA).

Throughout the study tour, UTAR staff and students were brought to visit many places to provide exposure to the Phillippines’ culture and provide a better understanding towards the lifestyle of the people there. They visited Ugubigyan Pottery, Capistrano Distillery, YEMA Cake Factory, St. Michael de Archangel Minor Basilica, Intramuros, Fort Santiago, Villa Escudero Museum, SM San Pablo, Tiangge Wet Market, Malagonlong Bridge (oldest bridge in Quezon), Kamayni Hesus, Lucban Heritage, and the National Museum. The participants also had the opportunity to meet up with Vice President for Academics and Research Prof Dr Benilda N. Villenas and Vice President for External Relations Prof Celso D. Jaballa. They were also given the opportunity to participate in an immersion programme where they learned how lecture and tutorial classes are conducted in MSEUF.

Various workshops were also organised, which included Cultural Dance Workshop with MSEUF Banyuhay Dance Ensemble, Cultural Musical Arts Workshop with MSEUF concert singers, Theatre Arts Workshop, Filipino Culinary Arts Demonstration and Bar Tending (CTHRM) and CBA Fiesta. They also attended a Finance Seminar. Team-building activities were held in Silangang Nayon, a popular destination and quiet retreat, with the purpose to strengthen the network and to enhance the team spirit between MSEUF and UTAR.

This enriching study tour ended with a closing ceremony to celebrate the completion of the Cultural Learning and Exploration Tour. The UTAR participants performed a local dance as a gesture of appreciation to MSEUF for their hospitality. Certificates of completion of the study were also presented to all participants.

“I wanted to take a break from the Malaysian lifestyle, so any country that was offering a student exchange programme or study tour was something that I wanted to apply. When I saw the MSEUF link, I immediately applied without hesitating. Also, I have never been to the Philippines and the reason why I wanted to explore and understand this country was because of the Filipinos and their great admiration towards the performing arts such as dancing and singing. I wanted to find inspiration from these people as I do aspire to become a performer someday too! I have learnt that each country has its own unique characteristics and I have learnt that the Philippines is a country that has its own vibrant culture and the Filipinos are very warm and kind towards us, the Malaysian guests. I have learnt to become more humble and warm whenever there are guests coming from afar and to always make them feel important and special,” enthused Bachelor of Arts (Hons) English Language student Anne Grace Savitha Jova Rathnam.

When asked of the significance of overseas study tour, Anne said, “It is vital as it can make one to be a versatile human being. The more you explore and learn about another country, the more the whole culture of a country can change you as a person. The Philippines, for example, opened my eyes to the country's diverse food and also performing arts. Study tour is one of the best ways to learn about a country's culture in a safe environment. Furthermore, study tours in foreign countries also help forge friendships from other countries as well. The more countries you visit, the more friends you are able to make. In this way, you will be able to see different people from different dynamics of society as well.”

Collaboration between UTAR and MSEUF began with its first memorandum of understanding (MoU) signed in February 2012. The MoU has led to joint projects which involved international collaborative research and sharing of expertise and joint development for research; facilitated academic development exchanges which included mutual visits by faculty members, conferences and workshops; and facilitated study visits and student exchange for postgraduate and undergraduate students to enhance their learning experience. 

Excited UTAR staff and students waiting for their departure 

Participants meeting staff from Admission Department, Department of Student Affair

Participants during their visits and workshops


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