Transition of countries discussed at symposium

Front row, third from left: Dr Chin, Dr Chong, Prof Wang with the participants

Held in conjunction with the visitation of six scholars from the prominent academic institute in ChinaInstitute of World History (IWH) of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), an International Symposium on the Transition of China, East Asia and the Neighbouring World was conducted on 7 December 2018 at Sungai Long Campus. The symposium was organised by UTAR Institute of Chinese Studies (ICS), Centre for Chinese Studies (CChS) and CASS IWH. It was also co-organised by the Institute of Strategic Analysis and Policy Research (INSAP) and UTAR Centre for International Studies (CIS).

The symposium aimed to provide an international platform for the discussion of contemporary China studies in general and East-Asian historical studies in particular. 

Dr Chong expressing his gratitude to all the participants

In his opening remarks, ICS Dean Assoc Prof Dr Chong Siou Wei expressed his gratitude to all the participants and said, “Today’s symposium provides a platform for us to have a mutual research exchange between Malaysian and China scholars. This symposium will not only help to open up our horizons, but to also enhance our knowledge. It may also inspire some new thinking for our academics, which may be helpful for their future research and future academic collaboration with other parties.” Meanwhile, he also wished everyone a successful symposium and hoped that everyone would gain fruitful knowledge through it.

Prof Wang anticipating more collaboration with the scholars in the future

Hoping that the symposium will further enhance the relationships between both parties, CASS IWH Director Prof Dr Wang Chaoguang said, “The transition on China, East Asia and the neighbouring world has a connection with one another. We hope today’s symposium will result in more research and discussions in the future to understand the world better. IWH has a good research outcome in the past and it mainly focused on Japan, Korea and North-east Asia. Hence, we are looking forward to having similar research focus on the history and transition of Southeast Asia and also to collaborate with the scholars from Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Myanmar and Indonesia.”

A total of 16 presenters presented during the symposium. Each presenter was given 15 minutes for presentation and 3 minutes for Q&A session.

From left: Dr Chen, Prof Wang, Dr Chong, Dr Wong and Dr Dong

The symposium encompassed four parallel sessions, each with its respective sub-title. The first session was titled “Towards modern China and neighbouring countries” and it was chaired by Dr Chong. Presenting at the first session were Prof Wang on “China and the first world war: A new perspectives”, CASS IWH Researcher Dr Chen Wei on “The Japanese Prime Minister Hara Takashi’s policies on China during the first world war”, UTAR ICS Deputy Dean  Assoc Prof Dr Wong Wun Bin on “The Chinese Society in Malacca during the late Ming to early Qing period” and CASS IWH Researcher Dr Dong Xinjie on “The visitation of the Jesuits delegates to China during the transition of Ming to Qing period in the context of world historical studies”.

From left: Dr Li, Dr Pek, Prof Lim, Dr Ser and Yap

The second session was titled “The history of contemporary China’s neighbouring countries” and it was chaired by UTAR ICS Adjunct Prof Datuk Dr Lim Chooi Kwa. Presenting at the second session were CASS IWH Researcher Dr Li Wenming on “The influences of Mandarin translation of Modern Sciences languages to Japan”, New Era University College Dr Pek Wee Chuan on “The ethnic’s boundaries and identities of Johor Bahru Chinese society before the second world war”,  University Putra Malaysia Faculty of Modern Languages and Communication Senior Lecturer Dr Ser Wue Hiong on “Introduction to the library collection of Centre of Malaysian Chinese Studies” and INSAP Director Yap Hun Lun on “My side of story: Introduction on Chinese Malaysian diaries, autographs and memoirs”.

From left: Prof Zhang, Dr Thock, Dr Dong, Dr Chin and Dr Toh

The third session was titled “Road to the development of contemporary East Asian countries” and it was chaired by Dr Dong. Presenting at the third session were CASS IWH Researcher Prof Dr Zhang Yuebin on “The historical narration of Kazutoshi Handô’s Showa history”, University of Malaya Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Department of Chinese Studies Assoc Prof Dr Thock Ker Pong on “The ethnic relations and the situation of Chinese under the ethnic politics in Malaysia: 1957-2013”, UTAR ICS Head of Chinese Studies Department Dr Toh Teong Chuan on “From Guangzhou to Malaya: The life journey of Master RongXi” and UTAR CChS Head of Contemporary China Studies Unit Dr Chin Chong Foh on “Ethnic Relations in Malaysia: A study on Malaysian first Prime Minister, Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra’s perspectives”.

From left: Dr Sun, Chiam, Prof Zhang, Dr Wu and Dr Ho

The fourth session titled “The new directions of contemporary China and neighbouring countries” was chaired by Prof Zhang. The last session saw Centre for Malaysian Chinese Studies Director Chiam Yan Tuan presenting on “The emergence of Modern China and the competition of China-United States: A Chinese historical perspective”, CASS IWH Researcher Dr Sun Hong presenting on “Japan in the development of East Asia regional history”, UTAR Faculty of Creative Industries Department of General Studies Dr Wu Ming Chu presenting on “Rebranding the trading relationship of Malaysia and China” and CIS Chairperson Dr Ho Ying Chan presenting on “The special relationship: An introduction of Malaysia-Indonesia Bilateral Relations”.

During the closing remarks, Prof Wang said, “Today’s symposium is indeed a fruitful one. It gives scholars from China a better understanding on Malaysian scholar’s research especially on the history of Malaysia, the history of East Asia country and the history of China-Malaysia, to name a few. I hope in the future, we will have more collaboration to come and organise a similar symposium to have a mutual research exchange together. We welcome all the scholars, who wish to get their journals published, to submit their complete research paper in the following year.

Dr Chin hoping to have more collaboration with China scholars in the future

Later, Dr Chin Chong Foh, the chairperson of the symposium’s organizing committee addressed his gratitude for closing remark. Lastly, Dr Wong, who also the chairperson of CChS, said, “I am very proud to say that today’s symposium has indeed benefitted us a lot. It is very important to group the scholars from different research area together, so that we could exchange ideas and learn from each other. It could be very helpful for our future research as well. We had the chance to open up our eyes and see the history and the transition of China, East Asia and the neighbouring world.”

Dr Wong explaining the importance of grouping scholars together

The symposium mostly involved discussions about the history and the transition of a country and how it impacts the people. On top of that, the presenters also talked about politics and how it affects the people.

Dr Chong (right) presenting a token of appreciation to Prof Wang

Prof Wang (left) presenting a token of appreciation to Dr Chong

Participants during Q&A session 


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