Talk on Chinese Astrology and NLP

Lau (first row, centre) with the participants

With the Year of the Earth Dog looming, people must be eager to know if they will have a better luck in the coming year. To gain some insights for this New Year, Centre for Extension Education (CEE) organised a talk titled “2018 Life Transformation with Chinese Astrology and NLP Wisdom” at the Sungai Long Campus on 1 February 2018.

Lau explaining the general predictions for every Chinese zodiac sign

The invited speaker was Lau Jin Woon, an inspirational coach and consultant who has 10 years of experience in Chinese Metaphysics and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). In her talk, she used the trinity of Heaven-Man-Earth, and the Chinese Astrology Five Elements Theory—Metal, Water, Wood, Fire and Earth to explain fortune.

“Trust and discipline are very important this year because the year of Earth Dog represents the mountain,” she said. “Being trustworthy is a character of the mountain. Whatever you promise to the others, you must deliver. Never over-promise and under-deliver.” She added, “On the negative side, a person could be lazy; therefore you should find out your keys to encourage yourselves to be more motivated in order to avoid laziness.”

Lau also mentioned that the Wood and Fire elements are extremely strong this year. They are good for those who have strong Metal and Water elements. She pointed out that the “Water” industry such as the transportation industry will be in the best state this year. Thus, she encouraged the audience to engage more with “Water” activities such as travelling.

The talk also saw her outlining all the positive and negative stars of the twelve celestial animals, with particular concerns over their impacts on key aspects such as wealth, health and relationship. Moreover, she presented the Flying Star Chart to the audience and guided them on how to activate the appropriate stars on the appropriate date and time.

Besides Bazi and Feng Shui, Lau also gave some insights into the NLP, particularly on how the NLP changes one’s life. She advised the audience to always look on the positive side and accept their own imperfections and weaknesses. “Everyone fails at times in their lives. Do not try to escape from failure, but face it and make a little improvement every day. You will eventually become successful,” she said.

The talk ended with an interactive Question-and-Answer session for both staff and students, followed by a souvenir presentation from CEE Director Lim Guat Yen to Lau.

Interactive Q&A session

Lau (left) receiving a token of appreciation from Lim


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