Analytics for enhancing students' performances

The Centre for Information Systems and Software Technologies (CISST) of the Faculty of Information and Communication Technology (FICT) organised a talk and workshop on 5 December 2017 at Kampar Campus.

The objective was to introduce the participants to the contemporary analytics of curriculum development, certification programmes, available resources for teaching and learning, practical assessments as well as to provide the participants with the understanding towards technical support provided by the International Business Machines (IBM) Corporation for universities and academics.

Dr William Yeoh from Deakin University, Australia, gave a talk on “Learning Analytics for Enhancing Students’ Performances”. He presented his learning analytics research which explored students’ online quiz completion patterns and the impact of instructional time constraint on online mastery learning. By utilising the self-organising maps, a neural network-based cluster analysis technique, he used a large dataset acquired from a postgraduate course offered in an Australian university to investigate students’online quiz completion pattern and its association with the final examination performance.

Meanwhile, the practical workshop provided the participants with a good hands-on experience. They were guided on topics, such as IBM Watson Analytics, Social Media Analytics and Predictive Analytics which enabled them to easily apply the Watson Analytics suite in their analytics or data science programmes.

Currently, FICT teaches IBM Cognos which shares similarities with Watson Analytics and provides easy access to the operational reporting of business analytics. However, with Watson Analytics, the speaker mentioned that users will have an easy data discovery area, due to its smart data analysis and visualisation services. FICT also believes that the additional knowledge of Watson Analytics will enhance the existing cognitive analytics and the natural language when conducting business analytics. 

Participants at the talk and workshop 


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