Belt Road Initiative Seminar

Speakers delivering their presentation

Tun Tan Cheng Lock Centre for Social and Policy Studies (TCLC) and Institute of Strategic Analysis and Policy Research (INSAP) organised a seminar titled “Belt Road Initiative (BRI) Seminar: A Preliminary Analysis of its Potentials and Challenges within Malaysian Context” at Sungai Long Campus on 20 December 2017.

Present at the seminar were TCLC Chairperson Assoc Prof Dr Chin Yee Mun, Institute of Management and Leadership Development (IMLD) Director Prof Dr Cheng Ming Yu representing UTAR President Ir Prof Academician Dato’ Dr Chuah Hean Teik, representatives from the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MITI), representatives from Institute of Strategic and International Studies Malaysia (ISIS) and UTAR staff.

“The seminar aims to elaborate Malaysia’s current involvement in BRI, analyse the potential impacts of Malaysia’s participation and suggest possible actions that should be taken to ensure Malaysia will not lose out when participating in BRI. I hope we can learn from this seminar as well as from each other, and I look forward to having fruitful discussions with everyone,” said Prof Cheng during her welcome speech.

The BRI aims to create a geo-economic effect that integrates nations and ensure they grow through mutually benefitting cooperation and building new emerging economies. The objective of the seminar was to evaluate whether BRI initiatives affect Malaysia as a country and also other consequences and implications affecting Malaysian at large. The topics presented at the seminar ranged from a historical perspective of Malaysia and China diplomatic relations to a geopolitical understanding behind BRI to areas of trade and investments and the potential opportunities, benefits and challenges for Malaysia arising from BRI.

The seminar featured Faculty of Creative Industry (FCI) lecturer Tan Wooi Yee, Faculty of Accountancy and Management (FAM) Head of PhD and MPhil programmes Dr Cham Tat Huei, FAM Prof Cheng, FCI Dr Chong Eu Choong, Institute of Chinese Studies (ICS) Head of Contemporary China Studies Unit Dr Chin Chong Foh and Faculty of Business and Finance (FBF) Dean Dr Au Yong Hui Nee.

Tan spoke about the background of BRI, comparison of Malaysia’s initiative with ASEAN countries, comparison of Malaysia’s achievement with other ASEAN countries and BRI Funding. She further elaborated on China investments and new sectors such as property, solar power, e-commerce, robotics, construction and infrastructure.

Prof Dato’ Tai Shzee Yew’s paper, co-authored with Dr Cham and Dr Ng Kar Yee, touched on the potential opportunities, benefit and challenges for various industries in Malaysia that includes construction and infrastructure, manufacturing, Islamic finance and halal products, agriculture, tourism and e-commerce. Dr Cham also highlighted the way forwards of BRI in Malaysia along with the proposed suggestions for small and medium industries in Malaysia to remain relevant and to sustain in this competitive market.

Prof Cheng presented her paper, co-authored with FBF Assoc Prof Dr Wong Chin Yoong and Assoc Prof Dr Eng Yoke Kee, titled “Is railway infrastructure growth-spurring? A reflection on East Coast Rail Link (ECRL)”. It covered topics such as infrastructure development and bridging infrastructure gaps, transport development in Malaysia, Economic Viability of ECRL, the opportunity cost of construction and lessons for the ECRL project.

The fourth paper was presented by FCI Dr Chong titled “Between South China Sea and BRI: Recalibrating the future of Malaysian-China relationship”. Dr Chong discussed the origin, aim and scope of BRI and provided the audience with a geopolitical understanding behind BRI from the perspective of China and its implication for Malaysia.

Dr Chin’s paper titled “Voices of the Pioneers: Analysis on the First Decade of Malaysia and China Diplomatic Relations as Reflected in Malaysian Chinese News Coverage” touched on the drastic changes of Malaysia-China relations news related to trade and industrial relations, political interactions, sport exchange activities and social and cultural exchange activities.

Dr Au Yong presented her paper titled “Belt and Road Initiatives: Rise in Bilateral trade and Investment Transforming Malaysia”. It studied the accomplishments in deepening the ties between Malaysia and China in the areas of trade and investment and policy initiatives related to MNC’s strategies and government’s development objectives in Malaysia.

MITI Senior Principal Assistant Director for BRI Unny Sankar giving his comments to one of the presenters at the seminar

Senior Fellow from the Institute of Strategic and International Studies (ISIS) Malaysia Bunn Nagara expressing his opinion at the seminar

“I would like to thank the speakers and co-ordinators for their contributions and efforts. This seminar enabled us to learn from each other regardless of the strength and weakness of the research paper; the most important thing is to gain knowledge from the things we do,” said Assoc Prof Dr Chin during his closing remarks. 


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