SRC Handover Ceremony

The new Student Representative Council (SRC) duties were once again officially passed down from outgoing SRC members of 2017/2018 to members of 2018/2019 during a handover ceremony on 4 July 2018 at Kampar Campus.

Second row, from left: Dr Lau, Dr Tan, Dr Lim, Prof Chuah, Prof Choong, Loh and Chiang with Kampar SRC members 2017/2018

Second row, from left: Dr Lau, Dr Tan, Dr Lim, Prof Chuah, Prof Choong, Loh and Chiang with Sungai Long SRC members 2017/2018

The ceremony, organised by the Department of Student Affairs (DSA), was held to welcome the new sworn in members of both Kampar and Sungai Long Campuses, and to also give recognition and appreciation to the outgoing members of 2017/2018.

Present to witness the ceremony were UTAR President Ir Prof Academician Dato’ Dr Chuah Hean Teik, Vice President for Student Development and Alumni Relations Prof Dr Choong Chee Keong, Faculty of Science Dean Assoc Prof Dr Lim Tuck Meng, Faculty of Engineering and Green Technology (FEGT) Deputy Dean for Student Development and Industrial Training Dr Tan Kok Tat representing FEGT Dean Assoc Prof Dr Yap Vooi Voon, Faculty of Business and Finance (FBF) Deputy Dean for R&D and Postgraduate Programmes Dr Lau Lin Sea representing FBF Dean Dr Au Yong Hui Nee, Heads of Students Affairs Department of Kampar and Sungai Long Campuses Chiang Jeng Fong and Loh Nyuk Leung respectively, along with 68 SRC members of 2017/2018 and 2018/2019.

Prof Chuah emphasising the importance of SRC

Emphasising on the importance of student leaders to bridge the association between the students and the University, Prof Chuah enthused, "It is my pleasure to be here once again to witness today’s handover and installation ceremony of the SRC. On behalf of the University, I would like to express my utmost appreciation to the outgoing SRC members. It has been a year that you have devoted your time and commitment in carrying out your tasks and responsibilities for our fellow students’ welfare. It also gives me great joy to see our SRC members coming forward to support the university’s initiatives and helping other students to make their university life an awesome and memorable one. Thank you, our outgoing SRC members, for your efforts, teamwork and leadership in carrying out your duties throughout the year."

He added, "I would also like to congratulate the newly-elected SRC members as chosen leaders to represent the fellow students. A big welcome to our newly-elected SRC members. As you are designated by the students to become their representatives, I hope you will work as a team and act in accordance with UTAR’s student code of conduct, UTAR rules and regulations and the objectives of the Council. It is your obligation to encourage and promote intellectual, spiritual and emotional as well as personal development among UTAR students. You are also committed to contribute and assist the student welfare activities of the University. In addition, you play an important role as leaders to other students who look up to you as role models. This is also a good opportunity for you to shine and showcase your abilities as leaders and organisers; so I hope you will enjoy this responsibility assigned to you."

Prof Chuah also stressed on the aspect of responsibility. He said, "Today’s ceremony focuses not only on the change of student leadership but also the making of student leaders and the importance of responsibility and leadership in our UTAR community. Taking up the role of SRC in your undergraduate years to serve the UTAR student community provides you with the learning opportunities towards better personal development and deeper engagement in community and social issues. Such experiences, I am certain will strengthen your character well enough for you to confidently go forward to serve the larger community. Being an SRC member is definitely a difficult task, but you will definitely enjoy every moment that comes along with it. I believe that every challenge you have gone through is an experience, a learning process and a growth that make you a better person. As you know, the SRC serves as a critical component of effective communication between students and the University. Being a student representative gives you the chance to build up your communication and negotiation skills, gain confidence in public speaking and develop a solution-focused approach to resolve issues."

From left: Yap and Lee welcoming the newly elected SRC members 2018/2019

Thanking UTAR for giving the platform to be part of SRC, the Kampar Campus 2017/2018 SRC Chairperson Yap Wah Seng said, "It was great to see such unity among the SRC members. The experience was both challenging and fulfilling. We were raw talent when we first started, but now we have proven ourselves. Therefore, please carry on the pride and legacy of the previous SRCs." He added, "As SRC members we should bear in mind of the SRC’s role in bridging the gap between students and the university management. At this moment, I would like to offer my gratitude to UTAR, the lecturers and DSA officers in charge for their patience and guidance that have led to the success of SRC in various activities."

Concurring with Yap, Sungai Long SRC Chairperson of 2017/2018 Lee Jing Heng also advised the newly elected SRC members to always be supportive of their teammates. "As a team, you must show your unity and strength in walking through tough times together. Everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion, which, at times, may be difficult to reach an agreement. However, it is through the process that we discover our strengths and weaknesses then learn to improve ourselves by putting aside the differences and achieving a common goal together," said the International Business student.

The outgoing SRC members were then awarded certificates of appreciation, followed by the handover ceremony and a group photograph session.

Prof Choong (centre) presenting the certificate of appreciation to outgoing Kampar SRC members 2017/2018

Prof Chuah (centre) presenting the certificate of appreciation to outgoing Sungai Long SRC members 2017/2018

From left: Lee, Yap, Prof Chuah, Prof Choong and newly elected SRC Chairpersons 2018/2019 Loh Jia Hui and Ng Jia Wei

See the full list of Kampar and Sungai Long SRC 2018/2019 members here. 


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