Master Mind Your Success

The Centre for Extension Education in collaboration with Malaysia Mental Literacy Movement organised a talk titled “Master Mind Your Success” at both UTAR Sungai Long and Kampar Campuses on 29 June and 02 July 2018 respectively.

The talk aimed to educate students and the public about the powerful ability to change the belief patterns they have by connecting with their subconscious mind. Aside from that, the objective of the talk includes to achieve better grades, good health, success and improve relationships with people while setting goals and objectives that are for their highest good.

Ajit explaining the Iceberg Theory

Speaking at the talk was Ludher.Net Founder Ajit Ludher who is a qualified Clinical Hypnotherapist and Hypnoanalyst at an advanced level, dealing with curative and clinical therapy. Ajit enlightened the audience with topics such as The Iceberg Theory, which touches on the conscious mind, critical mind and subconscious mind which has an impact on one’s personal growth. In the two hour talk, Ajit conducted mental techniques which also include breathing exercises with the participants in hopes that participants would take the first step in a journey of transformation.

“There are five things to note in the prime directives of the unconscious mind. Firstly, your unconscious mind stores memories. Secondly, your unconscious mind organises memories. Next, your unconscious mind represses memories with unresolved negative emotions. Fourthly, your unconscious mind presents memories to your conscious minds to release the negative emotions and lastly, your unconscious mind preserves the body,” said Ajit.

Ajit explained about the ‘S.M.A.R.T. Goals’ where he mentioned “S” represents simple and specific while “M” represents measurable and meaningful, “A” represents achievable, “R” represents realistic and responsible and “T” represents time-based. He added, “To make sure your goals are clear and achievable, each one should be S.M.A.R.T. You have to start believing that you can achieve it.”

“You are given control over your life, so take charge of it as we are constantly evolving. You should be challenging yourself and not others in doing your best. Remember that there is no limit to what you can achieve in life, so believe in yourself and do not put yourself down. Remember that you are the most important person in your life,” said Ajit.

The talk was followed by an interactive Q&A session and photography session. 

Participants during Q&A session

CEE Sungai Long Campus Director Lim Guat Yen (left) and CEE Kampus Campus Head Mohd Faizul bin Ahmad (right) presenting a token of appreciation to Ajit

Ajit is a pioneer in this field for blending hypnotherapy, psychology, neuro-linguistics and hypnoanalysis to help clients create positive impactful and lasting changes in their personal and professional lives. He is also a certified counsellor, trainer and interventor for critical incident stress management, suicide prevention, intervention and postvention. Ajit has his own private practice— Ludher Hypnotherapy & Counselling Clinic and is recognised by The Ministry Of Health as Alternative & Complementary Medical Therapist/Practitioner under the Traditional Chinese Medicines act in Kuala Lumpur where he has successfully treated professionals such as Doctors, Lawyers, Judges, Police Officers, CEO’s, Teachers, Banking Managers & Leaders in several service industries.

Ajit (front row, fourth from left) with the participants of Sungai Long Campus

Ajit (front row, fourth from left) with the participants of Kampar Campus


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