COU organises 10th Anniversary Concert

UTAR Kampar Campus Chinese Orchestra Unit (COU) celebrated its 10th anniversary by holding a concert titled 《十• Decade》 at Kampar Campus on 14 July 2018.

Gracing the celebratory concert were UTAR President Ir Prof Academician Dato’ Dr Chuah Hean Teik and Vice President for Student Development and Alumni Relations Prof Dr Choong Chee Keong who were received by Organising Chairperson Wong Yee Shian, COU Chairperson Lee Qian, and COU advisors Christina Ong Sook Beng and Soong Hoong Cheng. Also present among the 400 over audience were past members of COU, alumni as well as guest players.

Delighted to be hosting everyone at this momentous occasion, Wong introduced, “The 《十• Decade》 concert not only celebrates COU’s 10th anniversary, but is also a moment for us to come together to witness our growth and milestones achieved over the years. Besides promoting traditional Chinese music to the UTAR community as well as the public through our various activities and annual performances, the COU members are also working hard to improve their performance skills in order to keep this unique Chinese culture alive.” Besides expressing her gratitude to COU advisors Ong and Soong for their guidance through and through, the Marketing student also thanked the COU alumni who have travelled to Kampar Campus specially for the concert and also to perform for the evening.

 Wong thanking the alumni, performers as well as advisors for celebrating the occasion with COU

Congratulating COU on their decade-old establishment and success, Prof Chuah also extended his heartfelt appreciation to COU for performing at every session of the convocation, thus making the Chinese orchestra live performance a unique and endearing tradition of UTAR’s convocation. “I would also like to thank the alumni because it was your support and persistence over the years that have shaped COU’s to what it is today – a successful Unit with over 300 members and with more than 60 of them performing tonight.” Also stressing on the importance and the many benefits of music, Prof Chuah encouraged COU to carry on with their mission of promoting traditional Chinese music and wished the Unit many productive years ahead. “It will certainly be an honour to attend your 20th and even 30th anniversary celebrations in the future,” concluded Prof Chuah. 

 Prof Chuah congratulating COU for their anniversary and achievements over the years

The VIPs were then invited on stage for the officiating ceremony to signify the launch of the 10th anniversary concert.

From left: Wong, Prof Chuah and Prof Choong officiating the concert 

 Wong presenting tokens of appreciation to Prof Chuah (left pic) and Prof Choong (right pic)

The concert officially began with a curtain raiser titled Miracle (奇迹) performed by a few alumni to warm the audience up. The evening then ensued with an array of sensational performances, namely Drinking Song (酒歌), The Harvest Festival (丰年祭), The Wind from Northeast (东北风), A Quintet (五重奏), The Typewriter,  Generation E-Fever (发烧e世代), and Chasing (追追追).

Capping the evening’s captivating performances was an encore named Birthday Celebration (生日庆典) following the enthusiastic demand from the audience. 

 A performer referring to her sheet music during the performance 

The guzheng (Chinese zither) and pipa (Chinese lute) were some of the Chinese musical instruments used throughout the performances 

 The performers getting ready to perform 

 Marketing student Yuen Mun Kit as the Conductor for The Harvest Festival (丰年祭), The Wind from Northeast (东北风), A Quintet (五重奏), and Generation E-Fever (发烧e世代) 

Business Administration student Ooi Lien as the Conductor for The Typewriter which was composed by American composer Leroy Anderson

 Industrial Engineering student Chew Chi Taa as the Conductor for Drinking Song (酒歌) and Chasing (追追追) 

The performers preparing to bow to the audience

A simple cake-cutting ceremony was also held towards the end of the concert to commemorate COU’s 10th anniversary and also to connote a sweet ending to the past decade as well as the eventful evening.

 From left: Soong, Lee, Prof Choong, Prof Chuah, Wong and Ong rejoicing over the cake-cutting ceremony

UTAR Kampar Campus COU was founded in April 2008 with the primary objective to gather and train UTARians who share a mutual interest in the Chinese orchestra. The Unit then committed itself to promoting traditional Chinese music and raising awareness about the beauty of Chinese orchestra through performances. To date, COU has organised thematic concerts, workshops, training camps and so on. In recent years, COU has also been going the extra mile by collaborating with other clubs, societies and units which also increased COU’s visibility, enabling the Unit to effectively promote their events in line with their aspirations.

 Group photo of the organising committee, performers and alumni

 The alumni wishing COU a “miraculous decade” 

UTAR COU alumni with Prof Chuah (middle in blue), Prof Choong and COU advisors Soong and Ong

*Photo courtesy of CKERICC Photography


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