Signing Agreement with BMMB

A group photo after the agreement signing

UTAR and Bodhi Meditation Malaysia Berhad (BMMB) officially signed an agreement on 4 June 2018 at Sungai Long Campus.

Signing the agreement on behalf of UTAR was its President Ir Prof Academician Dato’ Dr Chuah Hean Teik while BMMB was represented by its Chairman Teacher Ling Shan. UTAR Vice President for Student Development and Alumni Relations Prof Dr Choong Chee Keong and BMMB Sister Fu Han signed as witnesses.

Also present were BMMB Board of Committee Brother Wen Jun, BMMB Board of Committee Brother Huai Chao, BMMB CEO Sister Xi Chen, BMMB Project Manager Sister Huai Ju, BMMB Project Manager Teo Su Hui, BMMB Project Manager Tham Min Zhen, UTAR Vice President for Internationalisation and Academic Development Prof Ir Dr Ewe Hong Tat, Registrar Yim Lin Heng and Division of Examinations, Awards and Scholarships Deputy Director Lau Siew Yung.

According to the agreement, BMMB will provide financial assistance under the UTAR Jinbodhi Bursary, up to a maximum of RM1million, to deserving UTAR students.  This bursary will help to subsidise the payment of students’ tuition fees. Hence, it will be awarded to those students in need of financial assistance. Students who apply will be required to undergo a selection and interview process.

The bursary will be used for the recipient’s tuition fees and will not be given in cash to the recipients. Based on the agreement, eligible UTAR students in undergraduate programmes, once selected, will each receive a bursary of up to RM10,000 only per annum and up to a maximum of RM30,000 each for the full programme of study at UTAR. The bursary will be distributed over a period of three years or the remaining academic years of the recipient’s studies at UTAR. As for Foundation programmes, eligible students will each receive a maximum bursary of RM10,000 only to be distributed over a period of one year. 

Prof Chuah delivering his speech

In his remark, Prof Chuah said, “Last year, BMMB allocated a total of RM500,000 and this year another RM1million, so in total, they have allocated RM1.5 million. The first group of UTAR students who received the bursary was in October 2017 and so far, a total of 41 students have received this bursary. I am truly grateful to BMMB for their kind gesture. I believe this gesture will not only benefit students in terms of finance but also help improve their study lives at UTAR.”

Teacher Ling delivering his speech

“We wish to help students who are in need so that everyone will have a chance to pursue their further studies. We hope that after this, we can bring good value to the society by grouping up the youngsters who are the future leaders of this country,” said Teacher Ling.

The ceremony ended with Prof Chuah presenting a token of appreciation to Teacher Ling.

Prof Chuah (fourth from right) and Teacher Ling exchanging the agreement

Prof Chuah (fourth from right) presenting a token of appreciation to Teacher Ling

From left: Prof Choong, Teacher Ling, Prof Chuah, Sister Fu, Brother Wen and Brother Huai during the mock-cheque presentation

Application is now open for the next group of recipients studying in UTAR Foundation programmes and Undergraduate degree programmes. Applicants may check out the website at


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