UTAR JinBodhi Bursary Presentation Ceremony


The VIPs, guests and the recipients giving their thumbs up

Following the signing of agreement between UTAR and Bodhi Meditation Malaysia Berhad (BMMB), a presentation ceremony was held at Kampar Campus on 6 June 2018.

Organised by the Division of Examinations, Awards and Scholarships, the ceremony was attended by UTAR Vice President for Student Development and Alumni Relations Prof Dr Choong Chee Keong, representing UTAR President Ir Prof Academician Dato’ Dr Chuah Hean Teik, and BMMB Chairman Teacher Ling Shan. Also present were the 36 bursary recipients, Faculty of Science Dean Assoc Prof Dr Lim Tuck Meng, Faculty of Business and Finance Dean Dr Au Yong Hui Nee, Institute of Chinese Studies Deputy Dean for Academic Development and Undergraduate Programmes Assoc Prof Dr Wong Wun Bin, Faculty of Engineering and Green Technology Deputy Dean for Student Development and Industrial Training Dr Tan Kok Tat, Centre for Foundation Studies (Kampar Campus) Director Tan Lee Siew, BMMB Committee Member Sister Fu Han and other BMMB representatives.

Stating that both organisations share the same values and uphold the importance of good education, Prof Choong said, “To date, UTAR has disbursed a total of RM137 million in internal loans and scholarships to more than 14,000 students since inception until the first quarter of 2018.” He also added that UTAR is blessed to have received the stalwart support of more than 40 institutions and corporations providing financial assistance to deserving UTAR students over the years. Also encouraging the bursary recipients to make the most of their university life, the Vice President advised, “Do work hard and be happy, confident and flexible learners. Make new friends and learn as much as you can to be a better person. Remember to have a charitable heart and help others who may be in need of your help later on. Be responsible citizens and be role models for your peers. Always remember the opportunities that you have been given today and do the same in the future for others.”

Thanking the University for the opportunity to assist needy UTAR students, Ling also expressed his honour to be a part of this UTAR JinBodhi Bursary sponsorship which will be a strong pillar in supporting the recipients’ studies. “The will to ease the financial burden of needy students in studies has motivated us to gather the strength of kindred spirits to support our cause. We also hope that the bursary is not merely a financial support, but also a boost and encouragement to the recipients to be brave in chasing as well as realising their dreams,” he said. Ling also reminded the recipients that they will be the backbone of society eventually and should therefore find ways to give back to the society in every way they can.


Prof Choong (left) and Ling (right) addressing the recipients

A token was then presented to each recipient as a gesture to motivate them to excel further in their studies. This was followed by a sharing session in which some of the recipients shared gratitude messages and how the bursary has brought relief to their respective family’s financial stress.

Penang-born G.  Nirossheni said, “I’m more than honoured to be a recipient and am very much grateful for this opportunity. The bursary really means a lot and it took some pressure off of my mother and elder siblings.”  The Accounting student added, “I’m thankful that I have people who believe in me and that support me, and I promise your money will be worth it and will not be wasted.”


Nirossheni expressing her gratitude for being one of the bursary recipients

Also honoured and thankful to be a recipient of the bursary, Logistics and International Shipping student Stefan Jason Swee Hoi Yuan mentioned that the financial assistance will help him to further his studies without worries. “Education is and always will be very important in building a strong foundation in one’s life. Education prepares students not only for jobs but also for personal growth and development.  Therefore, thank you again for awarding me the bursary and I couldn’t be more thrilled,” said the First Year student who hails from Sabah.


Swee mentioning the importance of education to everyone

Early Childhood Education student Koo Ying Ying said, “I have a twin brother and he is currently pursuing his tertiary education. My parents are having financial constraint supporting both of us to pursue our tertiary education at the same time. The bursary has certainly helped in taking off some of my parents’ financial burden.” She also assured that such a sponsorship will not go to waste and that she will put in her best effort in her studies.


Koo (middle) receiving the souvenir from Ling (left) while Prof Choong looks on


Prof Choong and Ling exchanging tokens of appreciation

The ceremony came to an end after a souvenir exchange between Prof Choong and Ling, followed by a group photograph with the bursary recipients.


Ling (second from right) and Fu (third from left) giving advice to the recipients while Prof Choong and other BMMB guests look on

Founded as a not-for-profit private university with a mission to provide quality yet affordable education to all, UTAR offers numerous scholarships and study loans for needy and deserving Malaysian students. Click here for further information.

To apply for the UTAR JinBodhi Bursary, please visit here.

Other external scholarships and loans for UTAR students can be found here.


Group photo of the VIPs, guests and bursary recipients at UTAR Gallery


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