China-Malaysia Economic and Trade Exchange Day

Pursuant to the “Belt and Road” China-Malaysia Economic and Trade Exchange Day, a discussion meeting and a cultural performance titled “The Secret Recipe (祖传秘方)” were held in Kampar Campus on 2 March 2018.

The discussion meeting

Known as the “Belt and Road” China-Malaysia Culture, Education and Study Tour Programme meeting, the delegates discussed matters regarding cooperative education, partner universities, study tour and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).

Present at the meeting were C-Corporation Chairman Regina Deng Qidan, Culture Department of Liaoning Province Deputy Director Niu Zhonglin, Liaoning People’s Art Theatre Dean Tong Chunguang, Liaoning People’s Art Theatre of Affiliated Art School Principal Hou Guodong, Kunwu Jiuding Investment Holdings Co Ltd Chief Executive Officer Ma Hong and members of Liaoning People’s Art Theatre.

The visitors were welcomed by Dato’ Albert Chang Chun Cheun representing Perak State Executive Council Member Dato’ Dr Mah Hang Soon, UTAR President Ir Prof Academician Dato’ Dr Chuah Hean Teik, UTAR Planning and Development Committee Advisor Tan Sri Hew See Tong, UTAR Council Member Hew Fen Yee, UTAR Vice President for Student Development and Alumni Relations Prof Dr Choong Chee Keong, Institute of Chinese Studies Head of Chinese Studies Department Toh Teong Chuan,New Kopisan New Village Chief Chen Kong Hoy and Officer of Kampar’s  New Village Development Tai Mun Hong.

Dato’ Chang introducing Gopeng’s development

Addressing the guests in his welcome remarks,  Dato’ Chang said, “The bilateral exchanges of Malaysia and China help to promote the exchange of culture, economy and education between the two countries.” He then briefly introduced the economic, education and cultural development of Gopeng where the New Kopisan New Village is located. Also the Chairman of Gopeng’s SJK (C) Man Ming Board of Director, Dato’ Chang mentioned, “There are three Chinese primary schools in Gopeng and there are many Orang Asli villages in the surrounding area. Therefore, there are many non-Chinese students in these schools. Learning in a multicultural environment helps to foster national unity. ”

To allow the delegates to have a better understanding of UTAR’s vision to be a global university of educational excellence with transformative societal impact, Prof Chuah shared an overview of Malaysia’s higher education and the development of UTAR. “To date, we have more than 40 sister universities from China and we have established ties on inter-university cooperation, student exchange programme and internships, academic staff exchange, research and other collaborations. At the same time, we have also developed close partnerships with a number of renowned Chinese companies such as Huawei and For example, Huawei comes to our campus every year to recruit high-flying graduates and provide them with training before sending them to work around the world. These employers have shared with us that they are impressed by our students’s multilingual ability. Our students’ high adaptability in a multicultural environment is also an added advantage. Other collaborations with China include providing training programme for one of our partners, China-Malaysia Qinzhou Industrial Park, to have a deeper understanding of the  politics and economy of both countries,” Prof Chuah introduced.

Niu expressing his gratitude to Perak State Government and various parties for the support given

Niu expressed his gratitude to the Perak State Government for the invitation and various other parties for their support and assistance. He also introduced the content of “The Secret Recipe” and welcomed all the delegates to watch the performance. Impressed by Kampar Campus’ beautiful scenery and UTAR’s rapid growth in mere 16 years since its inception, he said, “I am impressed by the Chinese cultural and philosophical elements found in the campus, such as the design of the ponds with dark floors symbolising the Chinese ink pads and the Chinese characters of the six education pillars of UTAR education at Dewan Tun Dr Ling Liong Sik. It is interesting to see such inheritance of Chinese culture in an institution of higher learning like UTAR.” He added, “As culturati, we hope to spread the spirit of “Belt and Road” to all parts of the world through cultural exchanges and performances.”

Introducing the history and development of Liaoning People’s Art Theatre and their drama “The Secret Recipe”, Tong said, “We believe that drama plays a role in conveying one’s culture and values. Therefore, our exchange and performance this time carries a great importance and meaning.” He also added that the performers are professional stage performers, thus giving the audience the best experience.

Ma looking forward to the collaborations on TCM, herbs and finance

Ma shared issues related to the field of financial investment and also his company’s collaborative projects with universities and local governments in China. He mentioned, “There are plenty of opportunities and areas for Malaysia and China to learn from each other. We are certainly looking forward to the collaborations on TCM, traditional herbs and finance through the university platform.”

The meeting ended with a souvenir presentation and group photo.

Prof Chuah presenting tokens of appreciation to Tong (left) and Niu (right)

Niu (third from left) and Tong (second from right) presenting tokens of appreciation to Prof Chuah and Tan Sri Hew (far right)

The delegates taking a group photo after the discussion

Visit by some of the Liaoning People’s Art Theatre members on their first day at Kampar Campus

“The Secret Recipe” Theatrical Performance

Co-organised by the New Kopisan New Village Committee, SJK (C) Man Ming, SJK (C) Lawan Kuda, SJK (C) New Kopisan and UTAR, “The Secret Recipe” was staged at Dewan Tun Dr Ling Liong Sik, Kampar Campus on the same day. Performed at UTAR Kampar Campus for the first time during the Lantern Festival, the performance attracted over 500 people. 

Group photo of the VIPs, guests and audience at Dewan Tun Dr Ling Liong Sik before the performance

“The Secret Recipe” depicted a story of patriotism and honouring one’s dignity during the Second Sino-Japanese War in 1930s. It all began at Zheng De Tang (正德堂), a reputable Traditional Chinese Medicine clinic in Shenyang City’s Beishichang and well known for the Bu family’s medical prescription passed down from generation to generation. Bu Zhentang, the boss of the clinic who is also a famous Kung Fu master, was preparing to meet his nephew Bu Chengyi, the successor of the clinic and the inherited prescription. Bu Chengyi has just returned from Japan after completing his modern medical education. One day, Zhentang’s old rival, Shao Zhenggang, also the one made who broke Zhentang’s leg 20 odd years ago, visited the clinic with his solders to heal his leg which was wounded by some Japanese invaders. This visit, coupled by Zhengyi’s betrayal in helping the Japanese to get a hold of the inherited medical prescription, became the turning point as Zhentang soon discovered himself to be in the midst of a fight against the Japanese. With the fate of the clinic, the prescription, and his loved ones in his hand, Zhentang had to make a decision which not only safeguards his prescription but also save the life of his loved ones as well as honour his dignity by not succumbing to the Japanese’s threats.  

Souvenir exchange between UTAR and Liaoning People’s Art Theatre

The main character, Bu Zhentang, played by Jude Yao

The performers impressing the audience with their talent and acting prowess 

A scene from “The Secret Recipe”

Cast of “The Secret Recipe” thanking the audience for the standing ovation


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