End Endo for Me

Photography session before the planting session

Tun Tan Cheng Lock Centre for Social and Policy Studies, Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Endometriosis Association (MyEndosis) and Petaling Jaya City Council (MBPJ) organised the endometriosis awareness programme on 24 March 2018 at Dewan Ilmu, Community Library Petaling Jaya, Selangor.

Present at the event were MyEndosis Association President Surita Mogan, Vice President of MyEndosis Penny Lim, Bayer Co. Senior Product Specialist Siow Lee Onn, members of MyEndosis UTAR Faculty of Creative Industries (FCI) lecturers and members of the public.

Endometriosis occurs when tissue that lines the uterus, known as endometrium, grow in other areas of the body and inflict pain, irregular bleeding and infertility. Endometriosis displays certain impacts on females’ physical, social and mental well-being. With the tagline, “End Endo for Me” the workshop aimed to promote more awareness and encourage open discussions on the menstrual-health related disease as well as serve as a platform to unite and educate public on the possible causes and alternatives to cope with endometriosis.

Surita warmly welcomed the guest and said, “Myendosis serves as a wide platform where we provide emotional support for women to share their problems and seek medical advice regarding endometriosis. We need to know that we don’t have to be ashamed to talk about this disease to the public. It is important to love yourself, stay strong and be proud as women to take your place in the society.”

Surita (right) presenting the token of appreciation to Siow

Dr Aida (left) and Jurina (right) delivering their talk

The event featured talks from experts in the related field. Dr Aida Hani Mohd Kalok who is currently a lecturer and Obstetrics and Gynaecology specialist in Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre gave a talk titled “Endometriosis and Pain Management”. Dr Aida gave the audience insights on the concept of endometriosis, the causes and symptoms of endometriosis, medical management and proper diagnoses such as pelvic examination, blood test, ultrasound and diagnostic laparoscopy. “Endometriosis has various clinical presentations and different people may have different symptoms, thus the medical management varies for different people. On another note, treatment also depends on the individual’s need,” she said.

Penny Lim presenting the token of appreciation to Dr Aida (left)

Founder of Trying To Conceive (TTC) Malaysia Facebook and Fertility Spa Owner Jurina Binti Anwar educate the audience on the benefits of body massages which helps to maintain well-balanced blood circulation while targeting the affected areas and ease the pain. She shared on her fertility spa’s services which help customers with difficulty in conceiving, patients with endometriosis, fibroid, cyst, adenomyosis, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), sperm problem and many more. She added, “Aside from massages, physical exercise coupled with proper food intake is crucial in order to maintain a healthy body and mind.” Jurina holds a Bachelor Degree with Honors in Health Medical Biotechnology (Health Bioscience) from Universiti Malaya and has worked with BP Lab and Medi-Vance Healthcare. 

Kiran Kaur presenting the token of appreciation to Jurina

The event was followed by sharing sessions among the attendees. FCI lecturer A. Zachary Roland said, “You don’t have to be a woman to be at this event, everyone should be here to support the women. Do not suffer in silence but be strong enough to help others.” Dr Sharon Jacqueline shared her mother’s experience of having endometriosis after menopause, the symptoms and medical management.

 As part of their goal to educate the public on endometriosis, participants received a pot with butter pea flower seeds which is also known as ‘bunga telang’ to sow the seeds for better understanding. Bunga Telang is full of antioxidants and vitamin A, C and E which helps the overall general health of the human body. 

Participants engaged in the chanting session

Participants during the game

For more updates, click on https://www.facebook.com/endomarch.malaysia/

Various booths during the event


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