Kampar Science Fiesta 2018

 Group photo of KSF 2018 Organising Committee and helpers

UTAR Kampar Campus’ Centre for Foundation Studies (CFS) organised the Kampar Science Fiesta (KSF) 2018 at Heritage Hall Building on 27 March 2018.

In line with UTAR’s Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) promotion mission and initiatives, the inaugural fiesta aimed to enhance the awareness of the public on the practical application and utility of STEM while engaging students’ interest in STEM-related fields of studies.

Invited to launch the festival was UTAR President Ir Prof Academician Dato’ Dr Chuah Hean Teik. Also present were UTAR Council Member Hew Fen Yee, Mattan Group’s Group President Tan Tiong Kiat, owner of Klinik Maanoj Dr Manoj a/l Loganathen, CFS Kampar Director Tan Lee Siew, and KSF 2018 Organising Chairperson Phang Ying Ning. 

Phang introduced KSF 2018 as a platform for the visitors, primarily schoolgoing children, to explore the many uses of STEM in daily lives through the diverse interactive and interesting science activities available and pick up new STEM knowledge as well as skills. The CFS Department of Science and Engineering Senior Lecturer also explained KSF 2018’s slogan “Dream, Explore, Aspire”, she said, “By ‘Dream’, it means having a fantasy greatly desired. So, dream of the potentials of STEM in leading you to your future career. ‘Explore’ means to enquire about a subject in detail. Seize every opportunity to explore new challenges and discoveries in science. ‘Aspire’ means to seek and accomplish a particular goal. We can all achieve and aspire to do greater things through science.” Besides thanking the invited guests, sponsors and organising committee, Phang also urged every educator and student to uphold the spirit of science in order to help Malaysia to advance further in STEM fields and continue the efforts of past scientists for the benefit of many.

While feeling heartened by CFS Kampar’s invitation and also commitment in promoting STEM to people from all walks of life via KSF 2018, Prof Chuah also expressed his concern over the dwindling number of Malaysian students in upper secondary’s Science Stream and also in tertiary education. “According to a recent survey carried out by the Academy of Sciences Malaysia, the number of students in Science Stream is only about 21 to 22% compared to over 40% during my time as a student. This is alarming because the future of a developing country like Malaysia relies greatly on STEM education but the fact is that the pool of STEM talents becomes smaller than ever,” said Prof Chuah. He also added with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and robotics dominating the oncoming Fourth Industrial Revolution, the importance of having fundamental STEM skills is even outlined further as non-STEM related sectors such as Human Resource will also experience the transformation. “Having scientific background and STEM skills will help a person to be more logical and analytical because science deals with fundamental laws of nature,” Prof Chuah mentioned. Citing KSF 2018’s slogan “Dream, Explore, Aspire”, Prof Chuah continued to encourage the KSF 2018 visitors to be curious, and expressed his gratitude to the sponsors, organising committee and student helpers for making the fair a success. 

Phang (left) and Prof Chuah (right) stressing the importance of STEM for the nation’s development

The opening ceremony also saw Prof Chuah alongside Tiong Kiat, Lee Siew and Phang cutting the ribbon to officially launch KSF 2018. 

From left: Lee Siew, Prof Chuah, Tiong Kiat and Phang cutting the ribbon to signify the start of KSF 2018

This was followed by a prize giving ceremony to award winners of the Science Comic Competition open for secondary school students as well as the Dream Gadget Drawing and Colouring Competition open for primary school students. The competitions were held prior to the Fair. List of winners as follows:

A. Science Comic Competition

 Harris receiving the prize from Tiong Kiat (left) while Phang looks on

Harris’s winning entry is based on the story of Percy Lebaron Spencer, inventor of Microwave Oven

 Syafihah receiving the prize from Tiong Kiat (left) while Phang looks on

Syafihah’s winning entry is based on Alexander Flemming’s invention of Penicillin

Dharisini receiving the prize from Tiong Kiat (left) while Phang looks on

Dharisini’s winning entry is based on the story of Percy Lebaron Spencer, inventor of Microwave Oven

Consolation Prizes:

Ngai receiving the prize from Tiong Kiat (left) while Phang looks on

Ngai’s entry is based on Alexander Flemming’s invention of Penicillin

Nabila receiving the prize from Tiong Kiat (left) while Phang looks on

Nabila’s entry is based on the story of Percy Lebaron Spencer, inventor of Microwave Oven

 Wan receiving the prize from Tiong Kiat (left) while Phang looks on

Wan’s entry is based on the story of Percy Lebaron Spencer, inventor of Microwave Oven

B. Dream Gadget Drawing & Colouring Competition

 Lai receiving the prize from Prof Chuah (left) while Phang looks on

Lai’s winning entry “Super Shoes”, a pair of shoes that fits any sizes and equipped with height adjuster as well as step calculator (pedometer). Each pair comes with comes with USB port to upload music and also allows user to choose the shoe design

 Wen Liang receiving the prize from Prof Chuah (left) while Phang looks on

Wen Liang’s winning entry is about a car-train-plane called EcoDream that uses solar, water and “wind” energy. It comes with a smart door with face recognition technology. The wheels are special and can maneuver on railways and road

 Teoh receiving the prize from Prof Chuah (left) while Phang looks on

Teoh’s winning entry is about a window cleaner inspired by spider with sticky feet to climb up windows. The cleaner is equipped with auto-recharge function, solar panel and robotic mop

Consolation Prizes:

Woon receiving the prize from Prof Chuah (left) while Phang looks on

Woon’s entry is about a versatile Ultra Technology Advance Glasses with GPS function and face recognition   

Koh receiving the prize from Prof Chuah (left) while Phang looks on

Koh’s entry is about a VR Classroom gadget that allows learning without borders and exploring the universe

Special Mention:

Zhi Lin receiving the prize from Prof Chuah (left) while Phang looks on

Zhi Lin’s entry is about a flying tumbler that can keep the beverage hot or cold. Will remind the owner to drink water regularly

Siew Qi receiving the prize from Prof Chuah (left) while Phang looks on

Siew Qi’s entry is about a multipurpose bag with biometric thumbprint function, thermometer, clock and call functions

Oh receiving the prize from Prof Chuah (left) while Phang looks on

Oh’s entry is about a “magic” bowl that can be resized

Zhi Qian receiving the prize from Prof Chuah (left) while Phang looks on

Zhi Qian’s entry is about a robotic self-moving bag

Aqil receiving the prize from Prof Chuah (left) while Phang looks on

Aqil’s winning entry is about an all-in-one “Master Pen” with phone function

The ceremony came to an end after a group photograph of the VIPs and the winners.

Lee Siew presenting a book titled “The Innovators” as a token of appreciation to Prof Chuah

Lee Siew presenting tokens of appreciation to sponsors (clockwise from top) Tiong Kiat of Mattan Group , Dr Manoj and Hew

 Group photo of the winners and the VIPs

Besides organising competitions to spark the interests of students in STEM, KSF 2018 also had a STEM Exhibition which provided an opportunity for CFS Foundation in Science students to present their research ideas and analysis via poster presentations. 

CFS Foundation in Science students explaining the content of their research posters to the VIPs and visitors

 Prof Chuah (left) and Lee Siew admiring the winning entries of the competitions

Further enlivening the Fair were the varied STEM booth activities which were also supported by the Faculty of Science (FSc), Faculty of Engineering and Green Technology (FEGT), and Faculty of Information and Communication Technology (FICT) to promote Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Biology, and Information Technology (IT). 

VIPs and visitors intrigued by the STEM Booth activities 

Students gleefully showing the “Short Stories on Discoveries, Inventions, Innovation & Creativity” book jointly published by UTAR and the ASEAN Academy of Engineering and Technology

Also enriching KSF 2018 was a series of talks by industry experts and academics aimed to deepen the audience’s knowledge in renewable energy, IT, petrochemical engineering and science. They included “Renewable Energy (Solar Energy Industry in Malaysia)” by Mattan representative Foong Pek San, “How Does Computer Know 1 + 1 = 2?” by FICT’s Dr Chang Jing Jing, “Petrochemical Engineering in Our Everyday Life” by FEGT’s Ir Dr Eow John Son, and “Wandering Around the World of DIY with Science” by FSc’s Chung Kok Heung. 

(Left pic) Foong shedding light on Malaysia’s solar energy industry
(Right pic) Lee Siew (middle) presenting a certificate of appreciation to Foong while Phang looks on

Experts from UTAR: (from left) Dr Chang, Ir Dr Eow and Chung

The STEM Challenge was also another exclusive quiz for UTAR students to battle their wits in answering STEM questions. Click here for the list of winners. 

Participants answering questions during the STEM Challenge segment

STEM Challenge First Prize winners

STEM Challenge Second Prize winners

STEM Challenge Third Prize winners

STEM Challenge Consolation Prize Winners Team B (left) and Team A (right)

Attracting over 400 visitors, KSF 2018 was mainly sponsored by Mattan Group and co-sponsored by Hilti, Grand Kampar Hotel, Klinik Maanoj, Lions Club of Bagan, JKKK Kampung Simpah, Syarikat Nam Ah Sdn Bhd, Kampar Oldtown Native Products, Tan Ah Chin Agricultural Farm Sdn Bhd and Winghin Agricultural Farm Sdn Bhd. 

KSF 2018 Organising Committee and student helpers giving their thumbs up


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