More collaborations with XCU

Prof Zhao and Prof Chuah (front row, from left) exchanging the MoU

A memorandum of understanding was signed (MoU) between UTAR and Xuchang University (XCU) on 7 November 2018 at XCU, Henan, China.

Signing on behalf of the parties were UTAR President Ir Prof Academician Dato’ Dr Chuah Hean Teik and XCU President Prof Zhao Ji Hong, witnessed by UTAR Vice President for Internationalisation and Academic Development Prof Ir Dr Ewe Hong Tat and XCU Vice President Prof Cui Bin. Also present at the signing ceremony were XCU Vice President Zheng Zhi and representatives from both universities.

During the ceremony, Prof Chuah briefly introduced the current development of the University as well as Malaysia. In his remarks, he said that UTAR has a strong foundation of cooperation with China and he is looking forward to work with XCU to develop broader international collaborations and exchanges. Prof Zhao, on the other hand, expressed her warm welcome to Prof Chuah and the delegates from UTAR. After sharing the current developments of XCU, she commented that the prospect of cooperation between the two universities is very broad. She hoped that this signing ceremony could strengthen the cooperation between both sides and further broaden the cooperation in order to contribute more to the progress and development of both universities.

The MoU generally covered collaboration areas such as academic development exchanges, study visits, student exchange and industrial training for postgraduate and undergraduate students. It will also pave the way for further joint research projects and joint academic events such as conferences, workshops, publications and seminars besides promoting academic innovation through collaborative development of new teaching and learning technologies.

Prof Chuah presenting a token of appreciation to Prof Zhao (left)


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