Inculcating reading habits among UTARians

With the aim to promote reading and enrich the UTAR community, the Main Library of Kampar Campus organised a series of activities consisting motivational talks, book fairs, meet-the-writer autograph session, online resource trainings and others from 15 to 26 October 2018.

Kickstarting the two-week long event was a talk by FuFu Lim Ching Fu titled “My Journey by Bus (Northern Region of Malaysia)” (搭上巴士去旅行·北马篇) on 16 October. Lim is a civil engineer specialising in transportation, bus rapid transit system and urban planning. Since graduating from his secondary school, Lim started living abroad and has been studying and working there for over 10 years. His has travelled to more than 500 cities in more than 50 countries by backpacking. 

Lim sharing his discovery on the beauty of Malaysia through bus journeys

Lim was determined to travel around Malaysia as he had always noticed that Malaysia has not always been promoted well abroad as an attractive tourist destination despite the many interesting places with breathtaking sceneries. After much consideration, he decided to embark on his journey around Malaysia by using Malaysia’s most common public transport – bus. He said, “I spent two months traveling around the northern region of Malaysia and have so far travelled to 35 towns. What’s interesting is that I get to see these beautiful towns just by using bus.”

He also shared some stories on interesting encounters and people during his journey, thus allowing the audience to have a more down-to-earth understanding of these seemingly far-reaching and almost unheard-of towns. So far, he had visited Bidor, Tapah, Tasik Raban, Taiping, Kuala Kurau, George Town, Pantai Acheh, Teluk Kumbar, Timah Tasoh, Semanggol, Teluk Intan and many more. The details of his journey were documented in his book titled “My Journey by Bus (Northern Malaysia)”.

“Travelling always gives us a lot of unexpected gains, such as meeting new friends, learning something new and expanding our horizons. I choose to record my travel experience in a book with words and photos, and aim to show the beauty of this country to more people,” he concluded.

Head of Library (Kampar Campus) Hew Yoke Far (left) presenting a token of appreciation to Lim

The second talk was by prominent 8tv Mandarin News host Tan Chia Yong titled “Oh Yeah Brother Rong! The Daily Humor of a News Presenter” (噢耶荣兄!主播的幽默日常) on 17 October. With over 20 years of experience in news reporting and broadcasting since his early career with a Singaporean TV station in 1997, Tan is currently also the Director for Oyeah Media. 

Tan sharing his experience on being a news presenter

He said, “As a news presenter, we are often stereotyped as being serious and unsmiling, but in actual fact there is a difference while we are at work and off work. I am a quiet person but I have also participated in many activities during my secondary school days, such as comic dialogue, debate, public speaking and many more. It’s also because of my special liking on news that I discover what I love and my style of presentation when participating in these activities. Besides news, I also like to work in the education sector because I like sharing my knowledge and experiences.”

In his talk, he also revealed some exclusive details not known or usually omitted by many during work, such as choices of apparel, the importance of putting on makeup, how to cope with the embarrassment of wearing some unusual-looking outfit and how to modify the outfit to look more befitting in front of the camera. “We must always be ready to go on the stage at all times to respond to any kinds of emergencies and unexpected situations. Unexpected situations will always test the adaptability of a host, and what we have to do is as said by a Chinese proverb - ‘to not fret or panic even if Mount Tai collapses right before one’s eyes’,” he stressed.

Even when faced with things which are either undesirable or fearsome in life, Tan encouraged the audience to face them with humor. He then talked to the audience on how to face their own fears, “We must learn to face it, deal with it and let it go, try to find the ways to live in peace with fear because if you choose to escape from your fears, then you will never get rid of them.”

Apart from that, he was also actively promoting cultural and creative activities, such as the Beautiful Life Festival held in Sekinchan, which allowed the participants to have dinner, watch performances and sunset in the paddy fields. “Do what you like, let the things you like become meaningful and valuable,” he concluded.   

Autograph session after the talk

The third talk on the same day was conducted by UTAR Vice President for Internationalisation and Academic Development Prof Ir Dr Ewe Hong Tat titled “The Internet and the Freedom of Life” (网上与生活的自在). 

Prof Ewe revealing on the importance of information literacy

He first talked about the technological revolutions that included the agricultural revolution, industrial revolution and digital revolution, which are far-reaching influence to the human world. He said, “The digital world is digitally based and not subject to any physical restrictions. Things such as information therefore spread around the world with high speed.”

He added, “The online world is built on a virtual and borderless digital world. Therefore everyone has access to the online media in which the information contained are varied and complex. Previously people need to only learn how to live with other people, but today, people also need to how to ‘live online’.”  

Prof Ewe further revealed that information literacy is highly essential to people nowadays. “Information literacy includes the ability to use information tools and information resources to acquire, identify, process, deliver and create information. It also means having independent learning attitude and methods, innovative thinking and strong sense of social responsibility and participation, ability to solve practical problems, and comprehensive information skills for lifelong learning,” he mentioned. The audiences were also reminded to be smart on the internet, responsible for the power of online media and cultivate good network literacy.

In addition to that, he also related the composition of the “inner world” within human and the cranial nerve connection so that the audience a deeper understanding on how humans perceive things from the inside.

He concluded that in order to be comfortable in both virtual and real world, one may need to understand the concept of dependent origination. “Do good things, say good things and have a good heart. Be contented and have gratitude. And remember to live in the moment so as to enjoy having a peaceful mind,” Prof Ewe mentioned. 

Prof Ewe (right) receiving a token of appreciation from Fo Guang Shan Ipoh Buddhist Centre (怡保佛光山禅净中心) Reverend Hui Xing(慧性法师)

The following week also saw a book sharing and signing session by local authors Yam Hoy Mun and Lee Eng Kew.

A well-known former news presenter, Yam shared with the audience his diverse working experiences as well as hardships faced during his younger days. Currently an active volunteer for Tzu Chi Foundation Malaysia, Yam also told stories and lessons learnt from pioneers when previously working as journalist, DJ, voice actors and so on. “Do everything with your heart,” advised the author of San Zi Shu (《三字书》) which literally means “three-word book”. Towards the end, Yam also said that if one puts his heart into doing something, it could turn out well even if the task may seem herculean. 

Yam introducing himself to the audience

Both Yam and Lee then took the opportunity to sign their respective books for fans and also meet and greet them. Besides donating his book to the Library, Yam also donated the amount collected from the book’s sales to UTAR.     

Yam (left) and Lee (second from left) signing their books for fans

Throughout the two weeks, visitors also had the opportunity to read and purchase books from the book fairs organised by Fo Guang Publications and Popular Book Co (M) Sdn Bhd respectively. 

Staff and students visiting the Lifetime Reading Book Fair jointly organised by UTAR’s Main Library and Fo Guang Publications

A variety of books from Fo Guang Publications 

Clay craft booth showcasing the products to interested onlookers 

Students learning to make simple pottery crafts at one of the booths

An exhibitor displaying her range of aromatic handmade soap

Staff and students visiting the book fair by Popular Bookstore

In line with the university’s commitment of intensifying the use of technology in boosting teaching, research and learning efficiency, the Main Library also offered Online Resource Trainings on AccessEngineering, IEEE Explore/IEL, Turnitin, Scopus, Emerald and EBSCO Resources. Booths on online resource were also available for further enquiries on e-Books and e-Journals.    

Academics attending the different Online Resource Trainings 

Students seeking consultation from the Online Resource booths


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