Understanding Japan's relation with China

Dr Lai (front row, middle) with the participants

Universiti Malaysia Sabah Centre for the Promotion of Knowledge and Language Learning, Politics and International Relations Assoc Prof Dr Lai Yew Meng presented a talk titled, “Nationalism and Power Politics in Japan’s Relations with China: A Neoclassical Realist Interpretation” at Sungai Long Campus on 9 November 2018. The talk was organised by UTAR Centre for Extension Education (CEE) in collaboration with Centre for International Studies. 

The talk was based on Dr Lai’s book that focused on the current political and diplomatic relationship between Japan and China at best despite the flourishing economic interactions and deepening interdependence. The book systematically explores the complex dynamics that shape contemporary Japanese-Chinese relations.

The talk focused on the introduction of Japan-China relations, the scholars’ opinion on the impact of the rising nationalism in both Japan and China, literature review, neoclassical realism (NCR), NCR framework and model of nationalism and state behaviour, expected state behaviour and the case studies.

“This book sets out to address a few aspects in Sino-Japanese relations such as to explicate the role of nationalism and power politics in shaping Japanese-Chinese relations during Koizumi Junichiro administration, from the year 2001 until 2006. The book also examines the nationalism as a domestic variable and its interaction with other external determinants that influence Japan’s external behaviour when dealing with China over the sensitive nationalist-flavoured disputes,” said Dr Lai.

He briefly explained the structure of the book from chapter one to chapter six which covered topics such as Interpreting nationalism in Japanese-Chinese relations, the trends, developments and dynamics of Japanese-Chinese relations, theories of nationalism and its manifestations in Japan and many more. He also spoke about the revival of nationalism in contemporary Japan and the nationalism and the changing national mood in Japan before he concluded the talk with a Q&A session. 

Dr Leong Mun Yoon (left) presenting a souvenir to Dr Lai 


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