The implication of T&CM Blueprint in Malaysia

The Centre for Extension Education organised a talk on the ‘Introduction to Traditional and Complementary Medicine Blueprint (Healthcare) in Malaysia 2018-2027’. The talk was presented by Ministry of Health Malaysia Division of Traditional and Complementary Medicine Principal Assistant Director and Development Section Dr Chai Koh Meow at Sungai Long Campus on 14 November 2018.

In view of the Traditional and Complementary (T&CM) Blueprint 2018-2027 (Healthcare) on 13 March 2018, the talk aimed to introduce the Traditional and Complementary Blueprint and its implication to the future development of T&CM sector in Malaysia aside from sharing insights on the gaps and challenges confronted by the industry and how the Blueprint identifies possible solutions. Besides, the talk also reviewed the situations leading to the decision to develop the Blueprint, the process of the Blueprint development, its objectives, main content and the major findings of the Blueprint.

Dr Chai stressed that Malaysia needs a T&CM Blueprint and he shared his experience on the detailed process of developing the blueprint which involves the engagement from major stakeholders. He also spoke about the milestone in the development of T&CM in Malaysia which started since 1987 and the chapters in the blueprint which focused on the introduction, practice, education and training, medicinal material and product, research, action plan and the implementation and monitoring aspect.

“This blueprint is a collaboration between the Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization. The objective of the T&CM Blueprint is to facilitate the regulation, integration and economic development of T&CM industry in Malaysia so as to contribute optimally to the national healthcare, economic and socio-cultural goals,” said Dr Chai.

Dr Chai also discussed the implication of the Blueprint on the future development of the T&CM sector in Malaysia in areas of diversity, ethno-cultural ownership and private sector domination. He added, “The lessons that one can obtain from developing a blueprint is learning to be humble, learning to be patient, taking up other skills aside from technical knowledge, knowing the limitations of your knowledge and not imposing your views onto others”.

Also present at the event were Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (FMHS) Deputy Dean for Student Development and Industrial Training-cum-Centre for Stem Cell Research Chairperson Prof Dr Alan Ong Han Kiat, FMHS Head of Chinese Medicine Department-cum-Centre for Research in Traditional Chinese Medicine Chairperson Dr Te Kian Keong, students and staff.

Dr Te (left) presenting a token of appreciation to Dr Chai

Dr Chai’s main area of responsibilities is formulating Blueprint for the development of T&CM industry in Malaysia 2018-2027. He is involved in the formulation of National Cancer Control Blueprint 2016-2020 and is currently establishing a T&CM outpatient unit in the government hospitals. He is also involved in the development of Clinical Practice Guideline for Prevention of Cardio Vascular Disease and represents MOH as an assessor for APEC’s TCM project. Dr Chai is an expert panellist in the accreditation of T&CM academic programmes as well as an external reviewer of HTA reports on T&CM related evaluations.


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