Enriching multidisciplinary expertise with TEDxUTARKampar 2018

“Anyone can make a difference. You just have to decide what kind of difference you want to make,” said an 11-year-old speaker Medina Zaharah Onn at the TEDxUTARKampar 2018 held in Kampar Campus on 18 November 2018.

Being the youngest speaker of the TEDxUTARKampar 2018, Medina has spent her time teaching life skills to special needs young adults and raising awareness on the plight of endangered animals. She delivered a talk titled “Hacking My Education through Giving Back to Society” focusing on equality in society regardless of capabilities. Along with Medina, her family also shares the same passion, and together, they spend their free time working towards the mission.

TEDxUTAR Kampar officially launched (from left): Wong, Yoon, Sponsor Jayden Lee, Dr Lim, Hee and Sponsor Loh Jing Li

Front row, from left: Lee, Loh, Hee, Dr Lim, Yoon, Dato’ Liew and Wong smile for a group photograph with speakers, participants and committee members

Themed ‘A Multidisciplinary Approach to Life’, the TEDxUTARKampar 2018 which was organised by the Department of Soft Skills Competency for the second time in UTAR benefitted some 200 people from UTAR and surrounding of Kampar.

The one day programme presented a combination of live speakers and TED Talks videos to spark deep discussion and connections. It was also aimed at creating a confident platform for speakers in spreading their ideas and knowledge to general audience.

Albert emphasising on the importance of multidisciplinary approach

Thanking the participants for their support and presence, Organising Chairperson of “TEDxUTARKampar 2018” Albert Wong in his speech introduced, “TEDxUTARKampar 2018 is an independently organised TED event. Indeed, it is our great honour and responsibility to host a licensed TEDx event in UTAR. This is the second time a TEDx event is hosted in UTAR, and this time, we strive to provide a totally unique experience.” He added, “Thank you once again to all for your participation in today’s meaningful programme. Held for the first time in Kampar Campus, the programme emphasises on the importance of cross-disciplinary and integration of knowledge among the young students and the local community. We feel that cross-disciplinary studies is an extremely effective approach in helping students to develop multifaceted expertise and grasp the important role interrelationships can play in the real world. I also would like to specially thank the organising committee, speakers and sponsors for making the event a success.” 

Dr Lim thanking the speakers and sponsors for the success of the programme

UTAR Faculty of Science Dean Assoc Prof Dr Lim Tuck Meng graced the TEDxUTARKampar 2018 as the Guest of Honour and declared it open. In his opening speech Dr Lim welcomed everyone and enthused, “With UTAR’s founding principle of “by the people, for the people”, the university continuously gives back to the society. We send our deepest appreciation to everyone who believes in UTAR and has supported the university in any shape or form. In return, UTAR has been actively working on many meaningful projects. TEDxUTARKampar 2018 is indeed a great multidisciplinary platform for UTAR students and the local community to grasp new ideas and knowledge. The diversity of occupation, expertise, life experience, religion, race, gender, culture and etc are fields that are bound to be different from person to person that we meet. Now is the time to embrace this diversity and encourage people to step out of their own discipline, profession or comfort zone and experience the positive influence of informational diversity. Hence, we believe the programme could give the participants purpose and drive, provide knowledge and new skills, ignite new passion, connect participants with highly interesting and potentially influential individuals and keep them mentally stimulated.”

Dr Lim also thanked all the talented speakers for recreating a unique experience for all the participants and added that, “We believe your presence and expertise will be a great source of inspiration for our participants as well as to encourage thought-provoking discussing among the participants.” He also extended his heartfelt gratitude to the organising committee and the benevolent sponsors for the support in making the event a success and reality.

Also present at the opening ceremony were DSSC Kampar Campus Head Hee Chwen Yee, DSSC’s lecturer-cum-TEDxUTARKampar 2018 Advisor Yoon Seck Hoe, speakers, sponsors, participants, UTAR staff and students.

The programme was filled with remarkable and knowledgeable speakers. A total of 10 awe-inspiring speakers delivered their talks; among them were Wong Chui Ling – “Say What You Mean, Mean What You Say”, Cheah KarFei – “Multi-passionate – Truth about Living Your Potential and Passion”, Goo Kah Thart – “Human Values, in the Absence of Money”, Capt. Arivananthan – “Dare to Decide”, Dr Rahmat Iskandar Khairul Shazi – “Cablebility vs Capability: What You Need to Know”, Edmond Yap – “Reinventing Education for Malaysia”, Chee Yik Wai – “Why You Should Say Yes to Strangers More”, Dylan Woon – “Start Building Your Personal Infrastructure Today”, Lim Kai Wen (Kevin) – “What Can You Do with a Penknife?”, Medina Zaharah Onn – “Hacking My Education Through Giving Back to Society”.       

Remarkable speakers (clockwise, from top left): Wong, Cheah, Arivananthan, Goo, Yap, Chee, Woon, Dr Rahmat, Lim and Medina

The TEDxUTARKampar 2018 ended with a closing ceremony. In his closing speech the programme advisor Yoon said, “On behalf of the organisers and sponsors of this talk show, it is indeed my pleasure to make a few closing remarks and express gratitude to all those who have made this programme a reality. It is my great pleasure that you have listened to 10 enlightening talks, which could be the essence of learning for these community leaders. I am also glad that you have engaged in fruitful, deep and inspiring discussions though I think one day is not enough.”

TED is a non-profit organisation devoted to spreading ideas, usually in the form of short, powerful talks. TED began in 1984 as a conference where Technology, Entertainment and Design converged, and today covers almost all topics from science to business to global issues in more than 100 languages. TED is a global community, welcoming people from every discipline and culture who seek a deeper understanding of the world. We believe passionately in the power of ideas to change attitudes, lives and ultimately the world. In the spirit of TED’s mission “ideas worth spreading”, the TEDx programme helps local communities, organisations and individuals produce TED-style events, where live speakers and recorded TED Talks are shared with the community to stimulate deep discussion and connection. These local, self-organised events are branded TEDx, where x stands for independently organised TED event.

Among the sponsors of TEDxUTARKampar 2018 were HOSTASTAY, Villa21, PPG, TalentCode, Yellow Leads, econ printing and Treze Purple.


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