Exploring collaborative ties with Iran

From left: Dr Au Yong, Dr Ali, Prof Choong, Prof Abdoulhossein, Dr Lai, Dr Liew, Lee, Dr Ng, Dr Ooi and Dr Falahat

Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran Kuala Lumpur’s Scientific Counsellor and Director of Iranian Students in Malaysia, East Asia and Australia Prof Dr Abdoulhossein Fereidoon visited Kampar Campus on 25 October 2018.

He was accompanied by his assistant Dr Ali Mirenayat. Both were received by UTAR Vice President for Student Development and Alumni Relations Prof Dr Choong Chee Keong, Division of Community and International Networking (DCInterNet) Director Assoc Prof Dr Lai Soon Onn, and Division of Programme Promotion (DPP) Director Lee Choy Fong.

Also present were Faculty of Engineering and Green Technology Dean Assoc Prof Dr Yap Vooi Voon and Deputy Dean Assoc Prof Ir Dr Ng Choon Aun, Faculty of Information and Communication Technology Dean Assoc Prof Ts Dr Liew Soung Yue, Faculty of Business and Finance Dean Dr Au Yong Hui Nee, Centre for Sustainable Development and Corporate Social Responsibility in Business Chairperson Dr Mohammad Falahat Nejadmahani, Faculty of Science’s Dr Ooi Zhong Xian, and DPP Deputy Director for International Student Recruitment and Business Development Irene Wong Hong Lei.

The delegates were introduced to the university’s genesis, progress as well as various initiatives over the years that have been essential in strengthening UTAR’s position as a global university of educational excellence with transformative societal impact. They were also given a glimpse of UTAR’s commitment in invigorating the intellectual pursuits through R&D and establishing research centres focusing on areas such as society and sustainable living; human capital development; heritage and culture preservation; healthcare, medicine and technology; internet and intelligent system; and industry, economy and international relations.

Prof Choong (right) explaining UTAR’s current growth and development to Prof Abdoulhossein

Several student mobility programmes such as the Explore the World Programme aimed to broaden the students’ horizons as well as enrich their international learning experience were also presented by Dr Lai. “The Explore the World Programme is a short-term programme that provides global networking opportunities for students to experience student life in a foreign country. UTAR students may choose to join partner institutions for a semester or up to one academic year for academic exchange, research attachment or overseas internship. It is also an opportunity for international students to study at UTAR and experience Malaysian culture,” explained Dr Lai. He added that UTAR also offers other customized immersion programmes for foreign universities. They include the English Immersion Programme, Conversational Malay and Cultural Immersion Programme, and Study Abroad English Programme.

“UTAR also enjoys close collaborative ties with its 300 over local and international collaborative partners from over 25 economies,” continued Dr Lai, who also highlighted some of the fruits of collaborations such as the launch of the China-Malaysia Centre for Traditional Chinese Medicine (CMCTCM) between UTAR and Guangxi University of Chinese Medicine,  joint initiative with Alibaba.com to train global e-commerce talentsthe establishment of the UTAR-Huawei Networking Labmutual recognition of credit hours for the OTH Regensburg’s Master of Engineering (Electrical and Microsystems Engineering) and UTAR’s Master of Engineering (Electronic Systems), the UTAR and Massachusetts Institute of Technology Externship Programme, the Cyber Classroom collaboration between UTAR and University of Delaware, USA, and others projects related to Islamic banking and finance spearheaded by the university’s Institute of Management and Leadership Development.  

Dr Lai introducing UTAR’s many initiatives to enhance international networking and enrich the students’ international learning experience

Introducing UTAR as one of Malaysia’s premiere comprehensive universities, Lee mentioned, “The University currently offers more than 110 programmes from Foundation Studies to PhD in the fields of Accounting, Business and Economics, Actuarial Science, Mathematics and Process Management, Agriculture and Food Science, Arts, Social Sciences and Education, Chinese Studies, Creative Industries and Design, Engineering and Built Environment, Information and Communication Technology, Life and Physical Sciences, and Medicine and Health Sciences.” He also underlined UTAR’s steadfastness in ensuring the quality of programmes over the years. Such efforts have also been reflected in the recognitions by leading professional bodies, and also being awarded self-accreditation status by the Malaysian Qualifications Agency in 2017.

Lee introducing the university’s programmes and how UTAR ensures its education standards meet international requirements

Complimenting UTAR’s prodigious leap since its inception in 2002, Prof Abdoulhossein said that he resonates with UTAR’s principle of “by the people, for the people” and is impressed by the university’s operation as a not-for-profit private university to provide quality yet affordable education for all. Also finding UTAR’s solid university-industry collaborations impressive, the Embassy’s Scientific Counsellor and Director mentioned, “The fact that 97% of UTAR’s graduates are employed within six months after graduation reflects the importance of having industrial experience from compulsory internship.” He also expressed his hope to build bridges between universities in Malaysia and Iran, and explore more collaboration between UTAR and institutions of higher learning in Iran besides students exchange.

Meanwhile, Dr Ali also pointed out the Embassy’s keenness in working together with private universities in Malaysia to offer classes on Persian language.

The discussion was followed by a souvenir presentation and ended with a campus tour.  

Prof Abdoulhossein (left) receiving souvenirs from Prof Choong

The delegates learning about the layout of the award-winning Kampar Campus from Prof Choong (left pic, middle)

UTAR currently plays host to full time international undergraduate and postgraduate students from over 30 diverse economies including Iran, China, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Kenya, Jordan and others.


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