UTAR volunteers help to beautify schools

As part of the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) project parked under the Public Relations UAMP3084 CSR subject, two different groups of Public Relations (PR) students from the Faculty of Arts and Social Science (FAS) spent time and efforts at two schools, namely SJK (C) Kampung Nalla in Tronoh and SJK (C) Yu Ying in Mambang Diawan on 9 March 2019 and 6 March 2019 respectively to enhance recreational and learning experience of the pupils there.

Comprised a total of 24 dedicated PR students, the first group was required to paint a mural at SJK (C) Kampung Nalla and create awareness about preserving the environment for its pupils. The young PR students channelled their talents in drawing and painting into the school beautification project around the buildings.

UTAR students and SJK (C) Kampung Nalla pupils posing at the newly painted mural

The school beautification project held at SJK (C) Kampung Nalla was well-received by the school community as well as the villagers. Also present during the project were the Village Chief of Kampung Nalla, Tronoh Woo Ping Wah, Chairperson of SJK(C) Kampung Nalla’s Parents and Teachers Associations Ng Sook Whye, President of SJK(C) Kampung Nalla’s Alumni Kok Sin, UTAR PR lecturer Diong Foong Wei, the members of the Council and the members of the Parents and Teachers Associations.

The great effort was sustained by another group of PR students at SJK (C) Yu Ying, Mambang Diawan. To make the school a better, brighter and more beautiful place, a total of 17 students from FAS and a total of 44 pupils from SJK (C) Yu Ying involved in the school beautification project.

All smiles for a memorable snap at SJK (C) Yu Ying

Some SJK (C) Yu Ying pupils and teachers after completing the wall mural

Among the parties involved in the second CSR school beautification project were Representative of Pusat Perkhidmatan Masyarakat ADUN Malim Nawar Chan Fook Ching, Village Chief of Mambang Diawan Choo Kok Cheng, Headmistress of SJK (C) Yu Ying Han Su Ling and Deputy Headmaster of SJK (C) Yu Ying Mak Lap Yan. The second project also received financial assistance of RM300 from the Malim Nawar Assemblyman Leong Cheok Keng. The amount was expended to cover the expenses of painting materials.

The Headmistress of SJK (C) Yu Ying, Han thanked UTAR students for choosing their school as part of the CSR project. Han said, “The new murals have really brightened up and made our school surroundings livelier.”

The CSR Projects were carried out under the fundamental of continuous assessment in the course UAMP3084 Corporate Social Responsibility. A total of 102 students was involved in the project. They were divided into eight groups and each group carried out different CSR Projects which included beautification project and visitation to old folks and orphanage homes.

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