Career talk on valuer and surveyor profession

Sr. Khaidzir (front row, centre) and Gavin (front row, third from left) with the participants

UTAR Department of Building and Property Management (BP), Faculty of Accountancy and Management (FAM) together with Centre for Sustainable Development and Corporate Social Responsibility in Business (CSDCSR) organised a career talk on Valuer and Surveyor Profession at Sungai Long Campus on 4 April 2019.

The objectives of the career talk were to enlighten the participants about the roles of property surveyor and the pathways to pursue this profession, as well as to highlight the future challenges and other relevant issues related to this profession.

Sr. Khaidzir (left) and Gavin delivering their speech

Invited to deliver the talk were IAN SCOTT INTERNATIONAL (ISI) Managing Director Sr. Khaidzir Abdul Rasip and Associate Director (Sales and Marketing) Gavin Simon Scott. In his talk, Sr. Khaidzir first presented a brief history of property surveyor. He said that this 3-in-1 profession is made of the valuer, property manager and estate agent, and explained how it could contribute to various industries and sectors covering professional practice, public services, corporate and academia which could help in nation building.

He also explained the role of the valuer, property manager, estate agent and real estate negotiator, and introduced the two main governing bodies, namely Board of Valuers, Appraisers, Estate Agents and Property Managers (BOVAEP) and Royal Institution of Surveyors Malaysia (RISM). Moreover, he also discussed what the profession should and could look like in the future, and explained the impact of disruptive technology such as RE technology and CRE technology.

Speaking about property technology (Proptech) in Malaysia, Sr. Khaidzir revealed that the adoption was rather slow compared to other developing countries. “Malaysia only began talking about Proptech last two years ago; it is still not ready for Proptech 3.0,” he said, adding that Singapore Proptech was making its way into Malaysia. Recognising the potential of technology in transforming the property industry, he advised the audience to embrace it rather than avoid it.

On the other hand, Gavin gave a presentation about IAN SCOTT, and pointed out the difference between professional success and personal success. He presented a model with five keys to success, which included experience, strengths, behaviours, technical and ability. According to him, a competent property surveyor would be able to plan and organise, be more initiative and creative. A competent property surveyor is also industrious, foresighted, steadfast and courageous, and one who adheres to ethical standard as well as possessing the knowledge of business, technical skill, conceptual skill, team spirit and most importantly honesty. “If you set goals to achieve your dream, always look forward to doing better,” he advised.

The talk ended with a souvenir presentation to the two speakers from FAM Dean Dr Sia Bee Chuan. It was followed by a group photography session.

Sr. Khaidzir is a practising Registered Valuer and Estate Agent with BOVAEP as well as a Chartered Property Surveyor. He is an International Certified Valuation Specialist with over 30 years of experience covering the private, public and corporate sectors in the United Kingdom and Malaysia. He is a regular speaker at both local and international conferences on topics related to real estate, smart city and urban development. Gavin, on the other hand, has more than 20 years of extensive consultancy in various disciplines such as land and development, land management, land buyer, negotiator and sales manager across the UK and abroad.

Sr. Khaidzir (left) receiving a token of appreciation from Dr Sia

Gavin (left) receiving a token of appreciation from Dr Sia

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