A REWARTing collaboration

Prof Chuah (second from left) and Ng (second from right) exchanging the MoU documents as Dr Yap (left) and Dr Chew (right) look on

UTAR and water treatment solution provider TECHKEM Group signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) at UTAR Kampar Campus on 9 August 2019.

Besides paving the way for joint collaborative initiatives which include joint research projects, mutual visits, internship placement and so on, the MoU also spotlights the possibility of integrating UTAR’s solar trough concentrator system into TECHKEM’s Renewable Energy Water Refine Technology (REWART) System.

Signing the MoU on behalf of UTAR were UTAR President Ir Prof Academician Dato’ Dr Chuah Hean Teik, Faculty of Engineering and Green Technology (FEGT) Assoc Prof Dr Yap Vooi Voon; while TECHKEM Group was represented by its Managing Director David Ng Kam Meng and Operations Director Ir Dr Chew Chun Ming. Also present were Division of Community and International Networking Deputy Director Dr Chen I Chi and FEGT Department of Industrial Engineering academic Dr Tan Ming Hui.

Welcoming TECHKEM Group into UTAR’s MoU fraternity, Prof Chuah also reminisced about the 17-year journey taken by UTAR to become a widely recognised not-for-profit private higher learning institution today. “From only 411 students, UTAR now has over 24,000 students and has produced over 61,600 graduates. One of the efforts in making UTAR a global university is via collaborations and engagements with the industry,” explained Prof Chuah, further expressing his anticipation of UTAR and TECHKEM’s joint venture in the REWART system. Also sharing his thought on the future of urbanisation in Malaysia, Prof Chuah pointed out that by 2030, it is estimated that 70% people in Malaysia will be staying in urban areas, hence underscoring the pressing need of having clean water, clean energy and also clean air. “I am therefore very happy that the collaboration between FEGT and TECHKEM could also explore solutions to environmental issues potentially caused by urbanisation,” he said.

Also impressed by TECHKEM Group’s many corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives which leverage on its expertise and span across Malaysia as well as the ASEAN region, the University President also quoted that both TECHKEM and UTAR have “similar DNA”. “TECHKEM’s many CSR activities are really in line with UTAR’s founding principle of ‘by the people, for the people’, and we have also been giving back to the society through various community services in new villages as well as rural areas. Therefore, I’m really looking forward to seeing both UTAR and TECHKEM Group continue working together in areas which are for the benefit of the community,” Prof Chuah concluded, and extended his appreciation to the individuals who have been directly or indirectly involved in materialising all forms of collaboration.

Prof Chuah welcoming TECHKEM as UTAR’s new industry partner and looking forward to jointly contribute to the community

Echoing Prof Chuah’s sentiments, Ng expressed the delight and honour to be working with UTAR in CSR activities as well as in green technology and solar-related collaborations. Describing UTAR as a highly capable higher learning institution which carved out a reputation for itself as one of Malaysia’s young top-notched universities, Ng told, “TECHKEM is honoured to be one of UTAR’s Industry Advisory Panels since 2014. Our colleague Dr Chew has also been working closely with the many dedicated UTAR academics throughout the years. Collaborating with UTAR is also in line with TECHKEM’s CSR of contributing to the society via education.”

Besides feeling heartened to learn the fact that both UTAR and TECHKEM share the same age, the Managing Director also mentioned the importance of collaboration and keeping abreast with new technological developments. “While it has been challenging for the 17 years, I believe there will be even more challenges following the advent of the Fourth Industrial Revolution where the industries will have to be quick to adapt to the technological advancement. In TECHKEM, we are also looking into various improvements to our wastewater plants and also water recycling initiatives in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals,” he stated.

Ng thanking UTAR for the collaborative opportunities and assuring everyone the many exciting projects ahead

The ceremony reached its highlight with the MoU documents being signed and exchanged, which then ended with a group photograph session and tour around the UTAR Gallery.

Prof Chuah (second from left) and Ng (second from right) signing the MoU documents while Dr Yap (left) and Dr Chew (right) look on

Prof Chuah (left) and Ng exchanging souvenirs

Group photo of (front row, from left) Dr Chew, Ng, Prof Chuah, and Dr Yap with UTAR staff and students

A highlight of the MoU is the integration of FEGT’s solar trough concentrator system into TECHKEM’s REWART System. It is believed that the success of the project could significantly improve the water yield rate and also reduce the cost of the system.

Founded in 2002, TECHKEM Group has 17 years of experience in engineering, procurement, construction, commissioning (EPCC); operation and maintenance (O&M); design; build-operate-transfer (DBOT), and distribution of speciality chemical products for the water and wastewater market.

With collaboration partners across the ASEAN region such as Indonesia, Thailand, and Myanmar, TECHKEM Group is the latest addition to UTAR’s 360 over MoU partners from 26 economies. Such strategic partnerships have been instrumental in gearing the University towards its vision of becoming a global university of educational excellence with transformative impact.

Prof Chuah explaining to the guests the significance of several exhibits and souvenirs displayed at the UTAR Gallery

From left: Dr Tan, Dr Yap, Prof Chuah, Ng, and Dr Chew

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