Preparing tomorrow's leaders for global talent mobility

Some 110 participants from nine universities had an insightful session, picking up tips on the evolving and enduring roles of global talent mobility at the International Youth Development Conference (IYDC) 2019 held from 27 to 28 July 2019 at UTAR Kampar Campus.

Group photo of the guests, speakers and participants after the opening ceremony

Held for the second time after the resounding success last year, the IYDC aimed at creating a greater platform for a larger number of students from different backgrounds and economies to learn and engage in youth development programme.

The conference saw participants from UTAR, Westlake International School, HELP University, Zhejiang International Studies University, National Taipei University of Technology (NTUT), Kwansei Gakuin University of Japan, Lingnan University of Hong Kong, Standard Research and Training Institute and China University of Political Science and Law. IYDC 2019 was jointly organised by Kampar Campus’ Department of Student Affairs (DSA) and Department of Soft Skills Competency (DSSC) in collaboration with the Quantum Dynamic and supported by GTEX.Asia.

Themed ‘Evolving Roles of Youths: Global Talent Mobility’, the two-day conference also aimed to instil the participants with valuable knowledge and understanding on talent mobility and how the talent mobility can future-proof their career path from experts and speakers in different industries.

Present at the IYDC’s opening ceremony were UTAR Vice President for Student Development and Alumni Relations Prof Dr Choong Chee Keong representing UTAR President Ir Prof Academician Dato’ Dr Chuah Hean Teik, Managing Partner of Quantum Dynamics Human Development PLT, HRDF Approved Service Provider and Trainer Ng Thian Watt, Keynote Speaker the Advisor-cum-Principal Consultant of Digital Talent Leadership and People Analytics Muhammad Imran Kunalan bin Abdullah, Institute Director of Shanghai MingDe Institute of Learning Organisation Prof Zhang Shenxiang, Dean of Faculty of Business and Finance Dr Au Yong Hui Nee, DSA Kampar Campus Head Chiang Jeng Fong, DSSC Kampar Campus Head Hee Chwen Yee, sponsors and guest speakers. 

Prof Choong explaining the significance of organising IYDC and its theme 

Speaking of the importance in building responsible global citizens and empowered young leaders, Prof Choong emphasised, “This year, the theme is ‘Evolving Roles of Youths: Global Talent Mobility’ which is equally important and even more so relevant in a borderless world today where even talents are mobile enough to be shared globally. Therefore, IYDC 2019 is dedicated to gather insights so as to promote cultural intelligence and embrace our role in building a more sustainable world in line with the 17 goals outlined by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDG). Immersing yourself in IYDC’s mind-stimulating activities are just among the many ways for you to identify new skills and talents. However, that discovery is critical to empower your continuous learning and skills grafting. It is also essential to your future career development and job mobility. Times have changed. Past generations’ skills no longer equate to the demands of current industries. That is why, the lessons you learn and the experiences you gain from the conference will contribute to your talent mobility, which greatly accelerates skill development.”

He added, “The emphasis on developing digital skills still remains, but it must also be complemented with creative thinking, execution planning, calculated risk taking, and strategic planning skills, in order to unlock opportunities. Whether at work, business or in the society, talent mobility will support you as you adapt and grow into more complex roles. These roles are not limited to helping you achieve your individual success, but you can always use your talent to empower others. In that manner, you are also promoting talent mobility by encouraging other youths to learn new skills and enabling them to discover their new talents.”

Imran explaining his insights on how global talent mobility is changing 

The Advisor-cum-Principal Consultant of Digital Talent Leadership and People Analytics, Imran who was the keynote speaker, started the conference’s ball rolling with his keynote address titled “Global Talent Mobility”. In his address he said, “Leadership talent is crucial to an organisation’s success and this leadership talent is the key element of talent management. Traditional industries with its current market leaders are pressured to either innovate or accept the decline of their business. Adding technology innovation to traditional industries means big changes, it means change to customer experience, products, as well as shifting entire business models.” He added, “Globalisation has enabled youth to move wherever their skills are most needed. Internationalisation brings creativity and innovation, and mobility can help balance the supply and demand of certain skills between countries.” He also highlighted how Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous (VUCA) the world has become and what leaders need to do when their companies are stricken by world uncertainty.

From left: Panel discussion moderator Dr Cheah with panellists Woo, Ho and Lee

Additionally, to further enrich the participants to have a well-rounded view on global talent mobility and to spur discussions, a keynote forum titled “Evolving Roles of Youths: Global Talent Mobility” was also held. The discussion featured Ferrari of Naza Italia Sdn Bhd National Head Damien Woo Chun Ming, General Manager of AIRI Global Sdn Bhd Allen Ho and Co-Founder of HostAStay Berhad Jayden Lee Juan Wyn and was moderated by UTAR Faculty of Arts and Social Science Lecturer Dr Cheah Phaik Kin. The discussion touched on the growing roles and importance of global talent mobility and why it is important for future leaders and workforce. The forum also shed some lights on employer’s expectation on young university graduates as well as shared some valuable tips on how the young graduates can match the needs of employers.

Prof Choong (right) presenting a certificate of appreciation to Keynote Speaker Imran

IYDC 2019’s panel discussion panellists and moderator (clockwise from top left) Woo, Ho, Dr Cheah and Lee receiving their certificate of appreciation from Prof Choong (right)

Some IYDC 2019’s speakers, trainers and guests (clockwise from top left) Prof Zhang, Ts Low, Zhai, Ng, Lau, Chee Yik Wai, Richard Foo Nyong Yong and Dr Alan Wong Weng Fook receiving their certificate of appreciations from Prof Choong (right)

Throughout the duration of the conference, participants were also able to pick the knowledge from the erudite speakers and trainers during the different talks and workshops. Parallel workshops such as Allen Ho’s “Mobility of Global Talent”, CEO of Convedge Sdn Bhd Stan Lee’s “What do you need to know about Data Driven Business Model (DDBM) – The application towards Future Customer Digital Engagement”, Founder of Candela Talent Centre Amanda Lau’s “Developing Cultural Intelligence for Young Leaders”, and Ng’s “Unity in Diversity” were also held with the purpose to provide hands-on developments for the participants.

Next on agenda was the talks included Prof Zhang’s “4Q for Talent Mobility”, Director of Corporate Affairs of Sudut Swasta Group of Companies (SSG) Ts Low Teck Heng’s “Youth Career Development and Opportunities in Digitalised Construction Industry under IR 4.0”, Principal of ‘Source of Wisdom’ Mind Study Centre and Founder of the National Super Mind Association of China Zhai Xiang Yu’s “Confucius Philosophy and Talent Mobility” and Founder-cum-Principal Consultant of Wealth IQ Network Capt. Arivananthan’s “Winds of Change”.

Participants paying full attention during the talks and workshops

One of the participants from UTAR, Master of Philosophy student Iddrisu Mohammed Awal said, “IYDC 2019 was a great opportunity for an international student like me to develop cultural intelligence. Through the educative discussions, talks and workshops, I understood that cultural intelligence plays an important role in bridging divides and knowledge gaps in an organisation. This is something valuable and I would always remember to adapt and practice the knowledge in my future workplace. Apart from that, the conference also taught me the importance of adopting new technology and new skills to be always relevant in the fast-paced digital era.”

Another participant from HELP University, Adrin Tam Zhi Tin enthused, “I got to know about this conference from my student representative council and I was really interested to join this event because of the exposure that I could obtain from a different university and also from the location, Kampar which I have never been before. Moreover, I was curious and eager to find out what IYDC is and what it has to offer me in terms of expanding my knowledge.”

The Public Relations student further added, “I learned several values from the forum panellists. The two major values that I adore from them are to be an optimist and a risk taker. I learned that one person’s character determines how far one can go. It’s all about the perseverance that one has in attaining the life goals. The conference also gave me a deep scope at the importance of cultural intelligence and how it shapes society and a specific nation. The different background of speakers and panellists, who are experts in what they are doing is an eye-opening experience. It gave me an insight into their careers and how they inspire youths like me to be a better person in the future and preparing myself for the digital age. IYDC 2019 is certainly a great platform for all the participants to learn and progress as positive youths.”

Participants participating in the Q&A session

Following the resounding success of the inaugural IYDC last year, IYDC 2019 is another youth enrichment programme by UTAR and Quantum Dynamic and supported by GTEX.Asia. The IYDC 2019 was sponsored by IJM, MSPC, PLYTEC, SMILO and Spritzer. 


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