GUFAE students gain supplemental learning experience at UTAR

GUFAE students with UTAR lecturers

An Accounting, Economy and Culture Learning Programme for a group of 40 students from Guangxi University of Finance and Economics (GUFAE) was organised by UTAR Faculty of Accountancy and Management (FAM) at Sungai Long Campus from 21 July 2019 to 3 August 2019.

The two-week study tour offered GUFAE students a chance to explore the University, as well as to understand more about the learning environment and the culture of Malaysia. A wide range of activities such as visits to Royal Selangor Visitor Centre, Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ), Westports, TusStar Malaysia, Malaysia Tourism Centre (MaTiC), Merdeka Square, Kuala Lumpur City Gallery, Islamic Arts Museum Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur Tower and Twin Tower were designed for them to provide insights into the culture and economic development of the country. Moreover, the programme included special lectures and talks that could add value to the students’ learning experience as well as enriching their academic credentials.

Dr Lai delivering his closing speech

The closing ceremony was held on 2 August 2019, where all participating students from GUFAE were presented with a certificate for their participation in the programme. Invited to distribute the certificates were FAM Dean Dr Sia Bee Chuan and Division of Community and International Networking Director Assoc Prof Dr Lai Soon Onn. During the closing ceremony, Dr Lai shared a brief introduction about the University’s past collaboration and its relationships with universities in China. He hopes the study tour will provide the students with a better understanding of this vibrant multicultural country. He also hopes that the students would share their experience here with their families and friends.

Xiao (right) receiving the certificate of participation from Dr Lai

Tang receiving the certificate of participation from Dr Sia

Sharing his first-time experience visiting Malaysia, group leader Xiao Guang Yang said, “The tour has broadened our horizons. It exposed us to different socio-economic statuses which helped us to build compassion and better understanding for Malaysia. The lectures were informative and interesting, where we were able to learn things effectively and entertainingly.” He also mentioned that the study tour allowed him to see certain issues in a new perspective, which provided him with some insights for his academic studies.

Other members Hu Yun Lan and Tang Xin Juan commented that Malaysia was a place of good food and wonderful natural scenery. They shared their travelling experiences in Malaysia and talked about the similarities and differences between Malaysia and their country. They said the trip has rewarded them a lot, adding that they had no communication barrier while travelling in the country.

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