Ikigai, Daoyin and Rasayana at the 9th INTRACOM

(Photo from Sin Chew)

Opening Ceremony of 9th INTRACOM (From left): Prof Chuah, HE Shri Mridul Kumar, YB Datuk Seri Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad, and Dr Goh Cheng Soon 

People of various cultures have their own practices for healthy ageing. The Japanese propose the concept of ikigai, a reason for being and the thing that you live for. The Chinese practise daoyin, an ancient mind-body exercise that channels your qi in your body through traditional physical exercises. The Ayurvedic practitioners in India propose the rasayana, the path of essence, to lengthen lifespan.

All these and more on the integrated approach to healthy ageing were elaborated at the 9th International Conference on Traditional and Complementary Medicine (INTRACOM) by 50 speakers from 10 economies who consisted of accomplished researchers, professors, academics, T&CM practitioners, health specialists, doctors, ministries, policy makers, licencing authorities, agencies and international organisations including WHO. This international conference aimed to promote healthy ageing through integrated approaches and holistic management of health; and to provide networking opportunities to share and exchange knowledge and experiences on healthy ageing.

The 9th INTRACOM was held from 3 - 5 August 2019 at One World Hotel in Petaling Jaya. The conference was organised by the Ministry of Health (MoH), Malaysia in collaboration with Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR). This was the first time the Ministry of Health collaborated with UTAR for this international T&CM conference and UTAR is indeed proud to have been a part of this international conference to support the Ministry. The 8th INTRACOM was held 5 years ago and therefore this 9th INTRACOM attracted much attention with more than 400 local and international participants in the hall.

The advisor of the 9th INTRACOM organising committee was Datuk Dr Hj Rohaizat Hj Yon, Deputy Director General (Medical), Ministry of Health Malaysia while the chairperson was Dr Goh Cheng Soon, Director of the T&CM Division in the Ministry of Health, Malaysia. The co-chairperson was Assoc Prof Dr Te Kian Keong, Head of UTAR Chinese Medicine Department in the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences and Chair of the Centre for Research in TCM. More than 40 UTAR students in the Chinese Medicine degree programme of the UTAR Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences have pooled their efforts together to be on duty to support and contribute as helpers for the 3-day event on a voluntary basis. The students were happy to be part of the international conference as they take the opportunity to learn from the international researchers and specialists.

The opening ceremony on 3 August 2019 at One World Hotel was graced by the guest of honour YB Datuk Seri Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad, the Minister of Health, Malaysia. Also present was His Excellency Shri Mridul Kumar, the High Commissioner of India to Malaysia; YBhg Datuk Dr Noor Hisham b Abdullah, the Director General of Health, Malaysia; Dr Goh Cheng Soon, Director of T&CM Division, Ministry of Health Malaysia; and YBhg Ir Prof Academician Dato’ Dr Chuah Hean Teik, UTAR President.

YBhg Datuk Dr Noor Hisham gave the keynote address titled Creating A Healthy Ageing Nation through Integrated Approach at the opening ceremony. He talked about the unberisation of healthcare which could be an imminent possibility in the country given the current technology that’s sweeping the world right now. Doctors could apply point of care testing using mobile test kits and data could be stored on iCloud for easier access to medical data. He talked about reversing the process and bringing healthcare to homes instead of patients going to the hospitals. This is especially crucial with aged patients. He also talked about harmonising modern medicine with T&CM.

Dr Goh Cheng Soon gave the welcome speech and she talked about community based integrated healthcare to address the issue of healthy ageing. The opening speech was given by YB Datuk Seri Dr Dzulkefly who thanked the organisers, speakers, sponsors and participants for coming together to share and exchange knowledge on T&CM in support of healthy ageing.

The first day of the international conference focused on government perspectives and policies for healthy ageing with speakers from World Health Organisation (WHO), China, UK, Australia, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia and Thailand. The first plenary of the conference was presented by Dr Park Yu-Lee from WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific who talked about healthcare financing in an ageing population and the acceptance of T&CM in healthcare insurance. She presented many statistics to support her presentation.

The second day was generally on integrated approaches to healthy aging with speakers from UK, Turkey, Indonesia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, UAE, India, China, Japan, and Serbia. The interesting highlight was Mr Tomonori Maruyama’s talk on ikigai and Prof Dr Tetsuya Ohira’s talk on laughter as the best medicine for healthier ageing. The practical exercises on laughter yoga with the audience got everyone laughing and brightened up the hall. He presented his survey results on laughter as the best medicine to combat stress and those who laugh more, live longer. He said that in Japan, women laugh more than men and that married me laugh more than single men. It’s the simplest exercise for healthy ageing.

Prof Dr Gerard Bodeker from UK presented an insightful talk on mental health and healthy ageing. He said that self-guidance, self-care and social connectedness are the keys for good mental health. People must connect with others and socialise to have a balanced living and good mental health.

The last day was generally on drivers for healthy ageing with speakers from Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, India, China and Malaysia. The plenary session by Prof Dr Cui Yongjiang (China) focused on providing quality nursing care for cancer patients as part of good palliative management. Experienced and caring nurses play a very crucial role in palliative care.

Dr Mazlan Ismail (MoH) presented on the adoption of meditag hologram as a security measure against fake medicine and unregistered medicine. He said there are more than 600 registered pharmacists who are employed as enforcement officers throughout the 15 states of Malaysia to ensure that drugs and medicines sold are safe and legally registered. He said drugs and medicines are tested to be free from microorganisms and free from poison including heavy metal limit testing before they are approved.

The last plenary of the conference was presented by Dr Kim Hyung-Ho and Dr Justin Hanse Lee from Korea who talked about Korea’s National Health Insurance System where the aged are cared for under this insurance system. The audience was intrigued by this model where the people pay tiered health insurance according to their means and income to support healthcare for the aged in Korea.

Overall, the 9th INTRACOM was a huge success with participants staying through all 3 days and the sessions enjoying good attendance and good Q&A. Many public members visited the booths throughout the 3 days and much networking was done among the participants. The food was good and so was the company. All the sessions by the speakers were well presented with evidence and statistics with many that were eye-openers to the participants.

Participant Ms Jovita Elderson Ripen, a botanist working as a research officer in the Sarawak Biodiversity Centre located near Kuching, said that she was very interested to know what the rest of the world thinks about T&CM, whether people from other countries are accepting T&CM as an alternative towards good health. Ms Jovita, a native Bidayuh, said that the conference has widened her knowledge on natural herbs and traditional practices for healthy ageing.

Han Wellness from Penang sent 10 of its staff to participate in the conference, sponsored by the company. Tyler Loo, one of Han Wellness’ directors, said that they attended the conference to find out more about the latest studies by Hong Kong, Taiwan, China and the rest of the world on anti-ageing herbs, foods and practices. They wanted to learn from the researchers and the experts.

The closing ceremony on the third day included the presentation of the prizes for the poster competition held in conjunction with the 9th INTRACOM. The first prize for the poster presentation competition went to Dr Krishan Kariippanon from University of Wollongong, the second prize went to Dr Radzuan Mat Ibrahim from the T&CM Unit of Hospital Rehab Cheras and the third prize winner was Assoc Prof Dr Qodriyah Hj Saad from UKM.

The 9th INTRACOM was supported by the Ministry of Tourism, Arts & Culture Malaysia, Malaysia Convention & Exhibition Bureau, Visit Truly Asia Malaysia, Ogawa, Sahajidah Hai-O, Almaa, International SOS, and Tanamera. A total of 34 booths were set up at the conference showcasing various services, products and exhibits. Please click here for the list of speakers at the conference.

Datuk Dr Noor Hisham presenting the keynote address at the conference

Waiting to welcome the Minister of Health (From left): Dr Goh Cheng Soon, Prof Chuah, Datuk Dr Noor Hisham, Dato’ Mohd Shafiq b Abdullah and HE Shri Mridul Kumar

Minister of Health Malaysia YB Datuk Seri Dr Zulkefly greeted by UTAR TCM students as he entered the hall

Launch of the 9th INTRACOM (From left): Prof Chuah, HEShri Mridul, YB Datuk Seri Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad, Datuk Dr Noor Hisham and Dr Goh Cheng Soon

Minister of Health Malaysia YB Datuk Seri Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad giving his opening speech

Dr Goh Cheng Soon giving her opening speech

Prof Chuah presenting a healthy gift to YB Datuk Seri Dr Dzulkefly at the opening

Warming up tai chi exercises at the opening ceremony

Tai chi exercises for all at the opening ceremony

UTAR TCM student Muhd Shafiq and TCM lecturer Dr Yap Yau Pin leading the tai chi exercise

The opening ceremony group photo with participants

Group photo with YB Datuk Seri Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad at the opening ceremony

YB at UTAR booth greeted by lecturer Dr Yap Yau Pin

Press conference with YB Datuk Seri Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad

UTAR TCM student helpers at the booth (From left): Tan Min Shen, Ling Qi Xuan and Lee Boon San

Dr Park Yu-Lee from WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific presenting her paper on Healthcare Financing in Ageing Population. Where does T&CM Stand? She presented statistics on ageing and the use of TCM among the aged

Dr G Meera talking about Almaa herbal & healthcare products

Prof Dr Keith Hill from Monash University Australia presenting his paper on Health Benefits of Exercise for Older People- the Research Evidence and Approaches to Maximise Participation

Panel discussion on Country Experiences on Ageing Population- A Global Perspective. A sharing session on ageing population among the various countries (Seated from left): Dr Khwanchai Visithanan (Thailand), Prof Dato Dr Tengku Aizan Tengku Abdul Hamid (Malaysia), Dr Kim Hyung-Ho (Korea), Prof Dr Tetsuya Ohira (Japan), Chairperson Dr Park Yu-Lee (Korea), Co-chair Dr Lee Fatt Soon (Malaysia), Prof Dr Agung Endra Nugroho (indonesia), Shri P.N. Ranjit Kumar (India), and Lu Yexin (China)

Prof Chuah presenting his welcoming speech at the appreciation dinner where he thanked the organisers, speakers, sponsors and participants of the 9th INTRACOM

Speech by Dato’ Dr Chong Chee Kheong, Deputy Director General of Health (Public Health) at the appreciation dinner

Dr Te (left) at the VIP table with Tan Sri Teo Chiang Kok at the appreciation dinner

Entertainment during dinner, courtesy of the Ministry of Tourism, Arts & Culture

UTAR TCM degree student helpers for the 9th INTRACOM enjoying the dinner (From left): Kay Chee Wai, Chong Kah Nng, Ng Poh Xuan, Lee Zhi Whye, Barry Fong Zhi Cheng, See De Sheng, Teoh Su Yuen, Vivian Tan, and Liew Seok Ching

UTAR TCM degree student helpers and TCM lecturers for 9th INTRACOM (From right): Xu Cong, Ng Siaw Ling,  Lim Chih Boon (lecturer), Chong Kuen Yen (Lecturer), Dr Yap Yau Pin (Asst Prof), Bong Paul Yie, Tay Yuen Mei, Soo Yong Shan, Leow Hui Xin, and Ng Jin Sheng

Dr Goh, Dr Chai and Dr Te with his UTAR TCM student helpers

Dr Carol Yip, CEO of Aged Care Group Malaysia, talking about Defining the Options of Malaysia’s Aged in Place Infrastructure and Community Care.

Dr Sare Davutoglu (Turkey) talked about Fasting, Nutrition and Well Being. She talked about the benefits of fasting and referred to historical practices of fasting

Mr Tomonori Maruyama presented his talk on Enriching the lives of Seniors in Japan (Ikigai Healthy Ageing Policy in Japan). He said that people should find their own ikigai as the reason to get up every morning – a purpose in life enhances longevity

Prof Dr Tetsuya Ohira lightening up the audience with his presentation on Laughter is the Best Therapy for Happiness and Healthy Life Expectancy. He engaged the audience with his humour and laughter exercises

Participants doing the laughter yoga with Prof Dr Tetsuya

Assoc Prof Dr Yang Yu talked about the Hua Tuo Five-Animal Play with TCM Basic Theories and its benefits towards health preservation. He proposed these 5 exercise movements to boost internal organs for a healthier body

Dr Xie Yuhong showcasing his TaiChi Qigong as a good exercise for our internal strength

Panel discussion on Ageing in Place.  Dr Justin Lee presented Korean’s model of retirement village for the aged while Dr Yip talked about financial savings for old age. Prof Emeritus Dr Jean Woo also presented Hong Kong’s perspective on retirement village for the aged. From left: Dr Carol Yip (Malaysia), Prof Emeritus Dr Jean Woo (Hong Kong), Chairperson Dr Te Kian Keong (Malaysia), and Dr Justin Hanse Lee (Korea)

Prof Dr Zhang Qin (China) spoke on The Value of TCM Health Preservation in Healthy Ageing. He said that good sleep is the basic foundation of good health. Eating 3 meals a day and sufficient rest will prevent gastrointestinal diseases. He said that bed times should be between 11pm and 7am. People should rise with the sun as the sun has good energy in the morning

Prof Dr Cui Yongajang (China) presented on Cancer and Quality of Life: Nursing Care and Pallative Management. He said that quality nursing care is the key to good palliative management

Prof Dr Mustafa Ali Mohd (Malaysia) presented on Traditional Ulam for Healthy Ageing in Malaysia. He said that there are more than 100 species of ulam in Malaysia and that eating of ulam in excessis harmful. He mentioned that some ulam are not good for health and that most vegetables lose its nutrients after 6 weeks from the time the vegetables are harvested

Asst Prof Dr Stephen Cho Wing Sze (Hong Kong) talked about the osteogenic protein derived from dioscorea genus yam with a potential for menopause HRT

Dr David Teo (Malaysia) presented some simple and realistic travel accidents that are dangerous to aged people and what assurances to take when travelling abroad

Dr Justin Hanse Lee (Korea) presented Korea’s model on the National Health Insurance System on coping with the aged in the country

Prof Ts Dr Lim Yang Mooi chairing the panel session on Research and Healthy Ageing (From left):

Prof Michael Thomas Haneline, Dr Ridzuan, Prof Lim and Asst Prof Dr Stephen Cho

The conference in session

Part of the 9th INTRACOM Organising Committee

Dean of UTAR Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences Prof Cheong Soon Keng (left), Dr Te Kian Keong (middle), and Dr Chai Koh Meow (MoH) at the conference

Participant from Sarawak, Jovita Elderson Ripen

Participants from Han Wellness (From right): Jonathan Too, Jennief Chen, Jennifer Loo, Tyler Loo (Director), Tan Choon Wee, and SG Tai

Participating booths

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