ZJPC visits UTAR to discuss common area of interest

From left: Prof Yu,Yap,Dr Ling,Prof Chen,Prof Han,Prof Choong,Liang, Hong,Lee and Zhang

Delegates from Zhejiang Pharmaceutical College (ZJPC) visited UTAR Sungai Long Campus on 9 December 2019. During the visit, a discussion was held between both parties to consider areas of collaboration.

The delegates from ZJPC were its Vice Principal Prof Han Zhongpei, Pharmaceutical Engineering College Vice Dean Prof Yu Weiguo, Food College of Zhejiang Pharmaceutical College Vice Dean Prof Chen Zuman, Organisation Department Deputy Director-cum-lecturer Zhang Jiongjiong, Supervision and Audit Office Deputy Director Liang Hui and Teaching Affairs Department Deputy Director-cum-Research Assistant Hong Haihu.

Welcoming the delegates on behalf of UTAR were its Student Development and Alumni Relations Vice President Prof Dr Choong Chee Keong, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (FMHS) Head of Clinical TCM Programme Judick Yap Wei Hoong,FMHS academic Dr Ling Wei Chih, Division of Programme Promotion Director Lee Choy Fong and Division of Community and International Networking staff Ong Yoon Furn and Liu Dan.

Delegates from ZJPC watching UTAR corporate video presentation

The meeting began with Prof Choong sharing the background of UTAR and its campuses. It was then followed by the presentation of UTAR corporate video to provide a better understanding to the delegates of the structures and programmes offered by UTAR as well as the achievements that UTAR has made since its establishment. It was then followed by Prof Han’s presentation on ZJPC’s background, its campuses and current developments. He also discussed some common areas of interest.

During the meeting, Prof Choong also suggested some potential areas of collaboration that would benefit both parties. Other possible areas of collaboration were also brought up by both parties during the meeting, including short-term visit, internship, students and staff exchange, training, study tour and new village collaborative project. 

Prof Choong and Prof Han discussing some potential areas of collaboration

A souvenir exchange between Prof Choong and Prof Han took place. It was followed by a group photography session before the meeting ended. 

Prof Choong presenting a token of appreciation to Prof Han (right)

Prof Choong (left) receiving a token of appreciation from Prof Han

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