UTAR staff and students donate to UTAR Hospital
The UTAR Hospital project received donations of RM22,800 and RM4,817.05 from the Centre for Foundation Studies (CFS) and the Department of Soft Skills Competency (DSSC) of Kampar Campus respectively at UTAR Kampar Campus on 04 December 2019.
Front row, from left: Tan, Tan Sri Hew, Tan Sri Chuah, Prof Ewe, Hew, Prof Choong and Hee all smiles for a group photograph with UTAR staff and students
Representing CFS in presenting the mock cheque to UTAR was CFS Director Tan Lee Siew. Meanwhile, DSSC were represented by UTAR Vice President for Student Development and Alumni Relations Prof Dr Choong Chee Keong and DSSC’s Head Hee Chwen Yee.
The mock cheques were received by UTAR President Ir Prof Dr Ewe Hong Tat. Witnessing the presentation ceremony were UTAR former President Ir Academician Emeritus Prof Tan Sri Dato’ Dr Chuah Hean Teik, UTAR Council Member Hew Fen Yee, UTAR Planning and Development Committee Advisor Tan Sri Hew See Tong and UTAR staff.
Tan in her speech said, “CFS is indeed honoured to be part of this project and be able to give back to the community. This is not possible without the hard work and cooperation from the benevolent staff and students. The amount was collected from various fundraising activities carried out throughout the year by the lecturers, staff and students of CFS. For that, I would like to thank the CFS family for being supportive and being creative in raising funds for such a good cause.”
Meanwhile, Prof Choong explained the funds were collected through various activities jointly conducted by DSSC and UTAR students throughout the year. He acknowledged the efforts of the staff and students who have demonstrated their interest and passion in supporting the UTAR Hospital Project.
Thanking both CFS and DSSC for their noble effort in raising funds for UTAR Hospital Project, Prof Ewe enthused, “UTAR Hospital Project is indeed a continuous effort of UTAR in contributing to the community’s well-being. The self-sustaining and not-for-profit hospital will provide affordable medical services to meet the social needs of the community.” He added, “It was heartening to have a team of academics and staff of UTAR to share the same goal of the University in giving back to the society. I am indeed very proud of your collective efforts in taking your time and putting your energy in raising the amount for the benefits of the community.”
Located within the award-winning Kampar Campus, the UTAR Hospital is set to be a not-for-profit hospital. The hospital will eventually house 500 beds for Western Medicine and 100 beds for the Traditional and Complementary Medicine, further benefitting communities of the Kinta Valley as well as the country with its affordable services. Its first phase is scheduled to be completed by December 2021 and be fully operational in 2022 in conjunction with UTAR’s 20th Anniversary.
Donations for the construction of the UTAR Hospital are welcomed and further information can be referred here.
Tan (third from right) presenting the mock cheque to Prof Ewe (third from left); witnessed by (from left) Prof Choong, Hew, Tan Sri Chuah and Tan Sri Hew
Representing DSSC Kampar Campus, Prof Choong (fifth from left) presenting mock cheques to Prof Ewe (sixth from left); while others look on
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