Exploring opportunities for international collaboration

From left: Dr Wang, Dr Lu, Dr Liang, Prof Cheng, Dr Wu, Prof Yow, Dr Lai and Dr Chin

A group of delegates from Guangxi Administration Institute, China visited Sungai Long Campus on 19 December 2019. The delegates included Civil Service Training Department of Guangxi Administration Institute Assoc Prof Dr Wu Tianbo, Law Teaching and Research Department of Guangxi Administration Institute Assoc Prof Dr Liang Taibo, Network Training Department of Guangxi Administration Institute Assoc Prof Dr Lu Xiaozhi and Academic Research Department of Guangxi Administration Institute Assoc Researcher Dr Wang Gang.

On hand to welcome them from UTAR were its Vice President for Internationalisation and Academic Development Ir Prof Yow Ho Kwang, Belt and Road Strategic Research Centre (BRSRC) Chairperson-cum-Institute of Management and Leadership Development (IMLD) Director Prof Dr Cheng Ming Yu, Tun Tan Cheng Lock Centre for Social and Policy Studies (TCLC) Chairperson Assoc Prof  Dr Chin Yee Mun, Division of Community and International Networking (DcInternet) Director Assoc Prof Dr Lai Soon Onn and IMLD Senior Asst Manager Kok Li Kuan.

In the mid of the meeting

During the meeting, UTAR corporate video was presented to the delegates with the aim to enhance their understanding of the University. On behalf of UTAR, Prof Yow extended a warm welcome to the delegates and he hoped that they would have a rewarding experience in Malaysia. Prof Wu, on the other hand, highlighted the importance of forming global partnerships and fostering relationships with other institutions. He expressed his willingness to create a stronger link with UTAR and hoped to explore possible collaboration that would achieve mutual benefits.

An in-depth discussion was carried out between the two parties, which promoted the exchange of information. Among the possible areas of collaboration discussed were joint research focusing on the topics such as Belt and Road Initiative, industrial parks in Malaysia and China, and multi-ethnic between the two countries. The meeting then ended with a souvenir exchange, followed by a group photo session.

Souvenir exchange between Prof Yow (right) and Dr Wu

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