Embracing positive skills for better work and future

The Centre for Extension Education (CEE) of Kampar Campus organised a talk titled “How to Transform Yourself from a Caterpillar to a Butterfly?” at UTAR Kampar Campus on 22 January 2019.

Wong (front row, third from right) smiles for a photograph with other students and staff after the talk

Attended by more than 100 students, mostly from the Faculty of Business and Finance, the talk was delivered by a high-performance coach, Joyce Wong. Aimed to educate the students about the differences between university and workplace as well as the challenges that students might face, the two-hour talk also emphasised on the techniques to prepare students for a future employment and a better future.

Wong emphasising the importance of first impression during an interview

Before going into the topic, Wong introduced herself and described, “I was a fresh graduate of Food Biochemistry who basically faced laboratory instruments every single day. Laboratory was my second home for five years. During this period of time, I struggled mentally and technically to finish my Master’s research and degree. However, the journey has taught me a lot about life, not just as a student, but life as a human too.”

She added, “As much as I love the challenge of conducting research, conversely, I deeply felt that I am not the kind of person that could face instruments every day. Therefore, after graduating I chose the path of pharmaceutical sales. With full enthusiasm, I ventured into medicinal sales. I met up medical professionals to sell medicines and supplements. I love the nature of my job as I love to interact and communicate with people, at the same time, travel around the places. I enjoyed so much spending time selling my products and building network.”

Wong expounded, “After a year of working in the pharmaceutical industry, I invested in learning Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) which turn out to be the course that changed my life. The knowledge helped me to discover myself, discover what I want and how to clear my limiting belief that held me back. Within one and a half year, I got my promotion and I led a team to achieve a yearly target. Working with my teammates was the cheeriest time because I get to see them grow and improve every day together with me. On the other hand, personal development is an ongoing process for me. I constantly invest my time and money in learning the skills for my personal growth and prepare for my future while at the same time having a secured career. I love to learn new knowledge and skills and I applied the knowledge and skills that I have learned to propel further.”

Wong explaining the right standing postures and body languages to participants

During the talk, Wong emphasised and advised the students on the working environment’s needs such as correct attitude, more contribution and fewer demands, add more value and less complaints, more idea and generations and most importantly, how to work in harmony with other teammates. Her talk also touched on the aspects, namely do’s and don’ts before a job interview, what to do the one hour before a job interview, how to response interview questions and answers, what powerful words to use in a job interview, standing posture and body language tips during a job interview and how to maintain eye contact during a communication and job interview.

She explained, “Put on your confidence even before the interview begins and have good posture while standing and sitting in the waiting area. Keep your back straight as it is the genuine way to portray good body language during a job interview. In addition to that, eye contact is a form of body language which is very important during communication. When you keep eye contact with the person you are talking to it indicates that you are focused and paying attention. It also means that you are actually listening to what the person has to say.”

In her talk, she also stressed the importance of power poses and powerful words. “It is always good to use right and positive words and phrases to describe oneself during the interview. The words you use during an interview convey an impression of you and your abilities. Make it a positive one and as you practice for your interview, keep word choice in mind.” She also added, “The sitting and standing postures of confidence will actually change your physiology and will help you feel more confident. Before the interview, find any private space and then power pose for two minutes to boost confidence.”

She concluded the talk by encouraging the participants to keep moving forward no matter what happens. She motivated, “No matter how hard life hits you, never give up on yourself. Never give up on your hopes, dreams and desires.”

Wong is a high-performance coach, motivational speaker and body language expert whose mission is to share the strategies in transforming people’s lives in the area of physiology, psychology, productivity and leadership skills. She has spent five years to learn the skills, travelling around the world to gain the best knowledge from the field of high performance, coaching, body language, neuro-semantics, NLP, vocal coaching and hypnosis. Besides, her past experience as a pharmaceutical sales manager has helped her to know exactly what employees should be equipped with to get into their dream career. She has spoken at various colleges on how to get fast employment and a dream career, cultivate leadership skills as well as how to change the impossible to possible.

Also present at the talk were CEE’s instructor Beh Heng Jian, Assistant Manager Ho Mei Kei and UTAR lecturers and staff.

Beh (right) presenting a token of appreciation to Wong

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