Fostering effective communication skill

UTAR Kampar Campus Centre for Foundation Studies’ (CFS) Effective Communication Skills teaching team organised a talk show titled “CFS Talk Show Competition” at its Kampar Campus on 10 December 2018.

Aimed at motivating the young students to excel well in their studies, the CFS Talk Show Competition also aimed to provide a healthy balance of academic and extracurricular activities amongst the students of CFS.  

The competition saw a total of three participating teams and required the teams to present a talk show with a topic of their choice. The judges for the competition were CFS Department of Arts and Social Science (Kampar Campus) Head A. Pakialetchumy, CFS Assistant Lecturer M. Leeza and the Faculty of Arts and Social Science Lecturer Surindar Kaur Gurmukh Singh.

The talk show competition commenced at 10.20am with the first group on the topic, ‘Horror Gathering’. Five guests were invited for the talk-show: Joker from Batman, Annabelle from The Conjuring, Brianna, Tiffany from the Chucky series and Nun from the Nun. Their talk show focused on the background and emotions of each guest. The host had prepared a few activities such as musical pumpkin where a plush pumpkin was passed around while music was being played, and the guest who was holding the pumpkin when the music stopped was required to dance. Nearing the end of the talk show, the audience was given the chance to ask questions to the guests; questions ranging from likes to future undertakings were asked by the audience. Group One’s talk show ended with a dance from the host and guests.

The next group’s topic was ‘Different Countries, Different Cultures’. Guests from India, Korea, Japan and Cambodia were invited to introduce their customs and cultures of their countries as well as the cuisine and delicacies found especially in their countries. The guests brought cuisine from their countries to share with the audience, which provided a visual representation of the cuisine described by each of them. The talk show enriched the audience with knowledge about the four countries. Before the show ended, the stage was opened to questions from the floor. The audience had a few questions about the customs shared by the guests.

The last group presented a topic on the ‘World’s Weirdest People’. The weird guests that were invited were Michelle the Vampire Lady, Elizabeth who was addicted to drinking air-fresheners, Chong who was very dirty, Yong, a clean-freak who turned out to be Chong’s mother-in-law and Alibaba who had the longest hair in the world. Each guest was interviewed about their quirks and what made them weird. The show ended with questions from the audience and the host encouraged the audience to be accepting towards all types of people even if they turn out to be very weird.

The competition came to an end when the judges shared the overall comments about the shows and presentations. Group One was applauded for their costumes and their creativity in segmenting their show, Group Two was praised for their informative talk and appealing visual aids while Group Three was commended for being into character, spot-on costumes and creative topic.

The list of winners is as follows:

Champion: Group Three with 142 scores

First runner-up: Group One with 129 scores

Second runner-up: Group Two with 127 scores

Also present at the talk show competition was CFS Kampar Campus Director Tan Lee Siew. She was invited to give out prizes to the participants. Each group was presented with hampers and certificates of participation.

The second runner-up with Tan (far left)

The “Horror Gathering” team showing that it is not that horrifying after all 

Proud champions consist of the “World’s Weirdest People”!

A group photograph of the panel of judges, lecturers, participating teams and the student helpers

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