Caregiver workshop

In order to improve the care and needs of elderly, the Centre for Extension Education (CEE) and Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences organised a workshop called, “Basic Care in Maintaining Good Quality of Life of the Elderly” at UTAR Sungai Long Campus on 19 January 2019. It was attended by more than 40 participants. Present at the event were CEE Director Lim Guat Yen, FMHS lecturers, UTAR staff and students as well as the public.

The workshop aimed to provide the participants with knowledge on changes in ageing, to understand basic caregiving skills needed to provide quality care for the elderly and to equip the participants with caregiving skills to assist in the day-to-day routine care for the elderly. Aside from that, participants were introduced to the ageing process, specifically in the area of Sarcopenia and muscle weakness as well as the risk of fall assessment.

K. Deivendran speaking about the benefits of exercise

FMHS lecturer K. Deivendran presented a talk titled, “Ageing Process-Sarcopenia and Muscle Weakness”. In his talk, he gave insights on the prevalence of ageing, normal effects of ageing on the body, the process of ageing, genetic and environmental factors, the ageing musculoskeletal system and many more. He said, “There are several major factors responsible for sarcopenia in the elderly such as inactivity, reduced protein intake, changes in the central and peripheral nervous system, reduced protein synthesis, reduced blood supply to tissues and reduced the number and size of mitochondria in muscle. The signs and symptoms of sarcopenia are a decrease in muscle size, weakness, loss of endurance, poor balance and trouble climbing stairs. One is encouraged to exercise even in the old age, to train the muscle strength in the upper and lower body to manage sarcopenia.”

Choo explaining the assessment of frailty

FMHS lecturer Choo Peak Yean presented the second talk titled “Frailty and Risk of Fall”. Participants were introduced to the definition of frailty, the causes of fall among the elderly, the consequences of a fall, fall risk assessment as well as on how to prevent fall. “Ageing starts at the moment you are born. The causes of fall among the elderly are many such as postural hypotension, fear of falling, vision impairment, dizziness, polypharmacy, poor gait, muscle weakness and vitamin D insufficiency. After a fall, usually the elderly will be fearful of fall and walk thus leading to muscle weakness and muscle loss which indirectly increases the risk of fall. One has to be positive, active and eat a balanced diet with good social support to combat frailty,” said Choo. She further explained on the fall risk assessment such as Frailty Index, Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL) and Activities of Daily Living (ADL) assessment, Stratify Scale and Morse Fall Scale.

Participants were then separated into three groups to participate in three activities known as Qi Gong class, Physiotherapy exercises and simulation of moving and transferring patients with weakness.

The hands-on workshops were then followed by a Q&A session. One of the participants, Juni Ewe said, “It is a wonderful session where we are able to acquire so much information in regards to the muscle weakness and caring for the elderly. I am looking forward to the next workshop in the near future.”

Physiotherapy exercise class conducted by UTAR Physiotherapy students Ng Ling Fang, Melvin Tan and Matthew Liau Pei Sheng 

FMHS lecturer Dr Yap Yau Pin (most right) teaching participants the correct body posture while practising Qi Gong 

Nur Ily Syuhada experiencing the patient transferring process conducted by FMHS Department of Nursing Head Liew Siew Fun, lecturer Choo (right), Woo Li Fong (left) and Ng Siow Fam 

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