International Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship

The organising committee with participants

UTAR Faculty of Accountancy and Management (FAM) together with Anhui University of Finance and Economics (AUFE) jointly organised the “2nd International Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship” at the Conference Hall of East Campus Library of AUFE, Bengbu, China on 14 and 15 May 2019. The conference was held in conjunction with the 60th Academic Anniversary of Anhui University of Finance and Economics.

The conference was supported by China Soft Science, Science & Technology Progress and Policy, Social Sciences in Chinese Higher Education Institution, Journal of Macro-Quality Research, Soft Science, Industrial Economics Research, Forum on Science and Technology in China, Global Science Technology and Economy Outlook, and Journal of Beijing Technology and Business University.

Present at the conference on behalf of UTAR were FAM Deputy Dean for Academic Development and Undergraduate Programmes Dr Hen Kai Wah, Head of MBA/MBA (Corporate Governance) Programme Dr Ng Kar Yee and Dr Aik Nai Chiek. The international conference saw the participation of 150 participants. A total of 10 keynote speakers was invited to the conference.

Far right: Dr Hen at the opening ceremony of 2nd International Conference on Innovation andEntrepreneurship

Dr Hen welcomed the participants and said, “It has only been 17 years since the establishment of UTAR. Although UTAR is a young university, it has a vision to be a global university of educational excellence with transformative societal impact. With that, it continuously seeks to involve in both local and international collaborations and activities such as conferences, seminars, exchange programmes, visits and research.” He added, “It is our hope that through this conference, all participants will be able to have a meaningful exchange between one another.”

Dr Hen giving his welcome speech 

The conference’s agenda included keynote speeches, face-to-face talks between entrepreneurs and scholars, and a meeting between readers and journal editorial offices. Among the topics covered at the conference were Entrepreneurship and Economic Transition, Entrepreneurship and Chinese Economic Reform, New Era business Innovative Decision-making, Theories and Policies of Innovative and Entrepreneurial Economy, New Models and Methods of Maker Space, Ecosystem of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Business Transformation and Internal Makers, Business Model Innovation, The Belt and Road and Outward-oriented Strategies of Chinese Enterprises, and Basic Theories and Methodology of Innovation and Entrepreneurship.

The first session saw the presentation of keynote speech by Chairman of China Science and Technology Policy Studies Prof Mu Rongping on “Regional Innovation Development and Entrepreneurship: Opportunities and Challenges” followed by Dean of Institute of Oriental Management of Fudan University Su Yong on “Chinese Entrepreneurship— a research based on the investigation of 32 Outstanding Entrepreneurs” and Director of China Soft Science Zhao Zhiyun on “The path of AI Promoting Future Industrial Development”. The session was chaired by Editor-in-chief of Forum on Science and Technology in China Zhang Jiuqing.

The next session was chaired by Editor-in-chief of Science and Technology Progress and Policy Gao Jianping.  It started with a keynote speech by Nanjing University Prof Jia Liangding on “Argument about P value and Management Research: the significance of prior probability”, followed by keynote speeches by Dr Ng and Zhengzhou University Prof Zhou Yangmin on “Progress of Belt and Road Programme in Malaysia” and “Research on High-quality Innovation, Institutional Entrepreneurs and Endogenous Evolution Mechanism of the Ecosystem of Innovation and Entrepreneurship” respectively.

The keynote speech for the following session was given by Dr Hen on “Factors Influencing Participation of Malaysian Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Cross Border E-Commerce with China” followed by Chongqing Technology and Business University Assoc Prof Huang Zhongyi on “Research on Operational Efficiency Evaluation and Influence Factors of Maker Space in China”, Journal of Beijing Technology and Business University Wang Yi on “Rural Revitalisation and Starting a Business by Returning Home”, University of Greenwich Dr You Kefei on “Impact of China External Investment on Export and Outward-oriented Strategies of Enterprises”, Dr Aik on “East Coast Rail Link (ECRL)” and AUFE Dr Huang Dujuan on “Research on Business Deviant Innovation Behaviour based on Logic Balance”. The session was chaired by Henan Normal University Prof Hai Benlu. 

Conference Hall of East Campus Library, Anhui University of Finance and Economics

Dr Ng presenting a keynote speech on“Development of Belt and Road Initiatives (BRI) Projects in Malaysia” 

Dr Hen presenting a keynote speech on “Factors Influencing Participation of Malaysian Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Cross Border E-Commerce with China” 

 Dr Aik presenting a keynote speech on “East Coast Rail Link (ECRL)” 

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