Discussing MIMOS Technology and Artificial Intelligence

Being in the midst of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, it has become more pertinent than ever for enterprises to understand the power of artificial intelligence and machine learning, and the opportunities it has to offer. Building their organisations around it ensures their survival in this globalised world.

Seeing this urgency, the Faculty of Accountancy and Management (FAM) together with the Department of Mechatronics and Biomedical Engineering (DMBE), and Centre for Computing and Intelligent Systems (CCIS) invited Dr Ong Hong Hoe, senior director of MIMOS Berhad to give a talk about the MIMOS Technology Overview on 5 July 2019 at UTAR Sungai Long Campus.

Dr Ong is an expert in High Performance Computing, Distributed Systems, Computer Architectures, and Software Engineering. He controls three software departments, namely Cloud Computing, Accelerated Computing and Artificial Intelligence labs.

In the talk, Dr Ong presented some analytics applications developed by MIMOS. He also highlighted some key issues that are present in the analytics applicationsand how to overcome them.

From left: Dr Ong and Janet Lee

Present at the talk were FAM lecturers and students from FAM, Department of Civil Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Department of Mechatronics and Biomedical Engineering, and Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering.

Dr Ong and the students

Participating students and lecturers

Dr Ong began the talk by first introducing the background of the company. According to him, MIMOS Berhad is a national R&D company, flourishing in a research environment to cultivate technology areas from ICT to industrial electronics and cognitive analytics. MIMOS Berhad has multi-stakeholders. It has formed smart partnerships with universities, research institutions, government and industries.

During the talk, Dr Ong also mentioned that MIMOS is currently seeking graduates to join its company under their internship programme.

Thereafter, a meeting was held at KA600D after the talk to discuss areas of collaboration. Present at the meeting were representatives of MIMOS Berhad including Dr Ong, Yong Kek Kok, Senior Engineering Staff and Principal Data Scientist Dr Duc Nghia Pham.

Present on behalf of UTAR were FAM Deputy Dean for Academic Development and Undergraduate Programmes Dr Hen Kai Wah, Department of International Business Head Farah Waheeda binti Jalaludin, Organising Chairperson Janet Lee Sim Kuen, Department of Mechatronics and Biomedical Engineering Head Dr Kwan Ban Hoe and Centre for Computing and Intelligent Systems Chairperson Dr Ng Oon-Ee.

“I hope to collaborate with UTAR soon. I also hope to sign a memorandum of understanding with UTAR to explore other areas of collaboration. I hope we can have further discussions in the area of social sciences, in particular, Janet Lee’s research area— Artificial Intelligence Governance simply because Malaysia is still in its infant stage on having a Code of AI Governance,” said Dr Ong.


Janet Lee then conducted a short talk titled “Intelligence 4.0 IR”, with the objective of introducing the benefits of Artificial Intelligence Governance and establishing its Code of Ethics. There was also a short video incorporated into the talk which showed an upgraded AI robot with human-like expression was being interviewed by an interviewer.

Janet Lee at the talk

During the collaboration meeting at KA600D, FAM

From left: Dr Kwan, Dr Ng, Dr Hen, Dr Ong, Yong, Dr Duc Nghia, Janet Lee and Farah

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