An eye-opening study tour for peer helpers

A peer helper study tour to Guilin University of Technology (GUT), China was organised by UTAR Peer Helping Programme from 11 May 2019 to 18 May 2019. A total of nine peer helpers and one staff from Sungai Long Campus participated in the study tour.

Held for the second time, the study tour aimed to develop and enhance various aspects of peer helping skills among the peer helpers. This includes different approaches to improve the delivery of social services, tips to better deal with psychological issues as well as some basic guidance to assist individuals with career search and choice.

Among the many activities organised by GUT throughout the study tour included Expressive Art Therapy, voluntary work at a primary school, talks and seminars as well as trips to the Seven Star Park, Li River and the Elephant Hill Park which are the symbols of the city of Guilin.

“The study tour was fruitful as students gained a wealth experience and skills throughout their participation in the diverse range of activities. For instance, the Expressive Art Therapy activity which involved the use of several techniques helped inculcate self-expression and awareness and improve both intrapersonal and interpersonal communication skills among students. Also, through the interaction with the local students in GUT, UTAR peer helpers were able to understand and learn from one another on the diverse cultures relating to counselling and community service,” said Sungai Long Department of Student Affairs Manager Hedwig Anne Ng.

When asked, Year Three Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Journalism in Chinese Media student Teo Xue Er said, “From the study tour, I learnt that we can see one’s character or emotion through one’s drawing. For example, we were asked to draw a picture with three components; people, tree and a house by a teacher. Then, she analysed our characters based on our drawing. I find this way to be helpful for a person who has difficulty in expressing themselves. It is also suitable to be used as part of the community service.”

“I am grateful that I have participated in this study tour because I had the opportunity to take the Li River cruise while enjoying the beautiful nature around it, such as The Painted Hill of Nine Horses and Xingping. During our trip to Round-City water system, I get to see the city’s most impressive landmarks with the beautiful capture of the Sun and Moon Pagodas of Guilin. On top of it, there were various delicious foods in Guilin which suit Malaysians’ taste. The foods include Casserole meal, LuoSiFen, Osmanthus Flower Cake and Guilin Rice Noodle. Rice noodle is the most famous food in Guilin and it is also a great place to visit as well. For those people who are craving for an affordable yet nice and spicy Chinese-style noodle, I would suggest you to visit Guilin,” said Year Three Bachelor of Accounting (Hons) Luk Jia Ying. 

 The entrance of GUT

 The coordinator Meng Fan Qi briefing the students

Peer helpers teaching the primary school children different languages during the community service

Community service sessions with various lecturers from GUT

Some of the beautiful scenery at Guilin, China 

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