Sustainability of supply chain in the age of digital revolution

The Logistics and International Shipping Society in collaboration with the Faculty of Science’s (FSc) Department of Physical and Mathematical Science successfully organised its annual talk series titled “Supply Chain Management and the Impact of Industrial Revolution 4.0” at UTAR Kampar Campus on 3 June 2019.

The talk series consisted of four talks. It aimed to provide participants with updates, insights and knowledge on the supply chain management. The talks were delivered by the Group Executive Director of Thong Guan Industries Sdn Bhd and Newton Research & Development Centre Sdn Bhd Dato’ Ang Poon Khim, Founder and CEO of Era Suria Ecopreneurs Sdn Bhd (ES ECO) – Circular Economy Experts Dr S. Sri Umeswara, Greater Asia Regions (GAR) Operations Manager and Global Planning Manager for Intel Reverse Logistics Justin Pragasam and Quah Hock Soon from Intel Technology. Among the topics discussed were “The Stressful Journey of a Pallet”, “Building a Circular Supply Chain for a Circular Economy”, “Background of Intel” and “Industry 4.0 in Academic Point and Industry Viewpoint” respectively.   

Clockwise from top left: Dato’ Ang, Dr Umeswara, Quah and Justin

Attended by more than 200 students primarily from the Department of Physical and Mathematical Science, the two-hour series also aimed to enlighten the students on the management of the flow of goods and services including the processes that transform raw materials into final products. The talks also emphasised on the active streamlining of a business’s supply-side activities to maximise customer value and gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace.

In addition to that, the talk also provided insights into the capabilities of supply chain management and its relationship with the Fourth Industrial Revolution. From the talks, the students were also able to understand the implementation of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and how it enhances the sustainability of economy of the country. The speakers also provided real case studies of their business areas to give the students a better understanding of the total supply chain in the real world.

Participants listening attentively to the talks delivered by speakers

Dato’ Ang started the ball rolling by presenting his talk, titled “The Stressful Journey of a Pallet”. He explained the common reasons for damages of goods as well as the countermeasures that should be taken to prevent the damages. He also emphasised on the usage of proper equipment to lower the risk of potential damages while transporting the goods to the marketplace.

Dr Umeswara in his talk focused mainly on how to transform a supply chain from a linear (take-make-dispose) model to a circular (no-waste) model, contributing to an economic system aimed at minimising or eliminating waste which is also known as the circular economy. He further explained that the circular economy will create new opportunities for growth as well as reducing the environmental impacts of production and consumption in both Malaysia and abroad.

Meanwhile, the third speaker Justin in his talk introduced two scientists, namely Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore, the founders of Intel with a vision for semiconductor memory products. He explained, “By 1971, the founders had established the world’s first microprocessor and since then, Intel established a heritage of innovation that continues to expand the influence and potential of computing while advancing the ways people work and live worldwide.”

Last but not least, the fourth speaker Quah emphasised on the revolution of Industry from 1.0 to 4.0. He highlighted more on the evolutions and elements of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. He stressed that the Fourth Industrial Revolution uses Cyber Physical System to share, analyse and guide intelligent action for various processes in the industry. It is more than just automated connected systems, information or autonomous robots across the supply chain. His talk also touched on the Internet of Things (IoT), machine learning and artificial intelligence to an interconnected global economy which eventually has impacted on the way businesses react to the connection of information flow, movement of physical goods and ultimately the cash flow.

The Organising Chairperson of the talk series, Choong Ding Kang said, “The programme is merely to educate the young undergraduates on the real issues involved in the supply chain management field. The event was really a good platform for all of us to equip ourselves with great and latest knowledge of supply chain management and how to sustain it.” He added, “Thank you UTAR and thank you to the speakers for the opportunity given in organising this educational session.”

Also present at the talk series were Deputy Dean for Academic Development and Undergraduate Programmes Assoc Prof Ir Dr Ng Choon Aun, FSC’s lecturer-cum-Programme Advisor Prashanth Beleya, The AK Academy students, organising committees, UTAR staff and students.

The talk series ended with a group photograph and presentation of souvenirs to all the speakers.

Presentation of token of appreciation (from left): Quah, Justin, Prashanth, Dr Ng, Dato’ Ang and Dr Umeswara

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