Adapting to the university's lifestyle

Sungai Long Campus orientation committee

(Courtesy pictures from May 2019 orientation editorial team)

UTAR welcomed its second batch of freshmen during the orientation for May 2019 intake at both Kampar and Sungai Long Campuses on 17 May 2019. It was organised by the Department of Student Affairs (DSA), Student Representatives Council (SRC) and Registration and the Campus Tour and Mass Call Committee (RCM).

During the ice-breaking session

UTAR ice-breaking and telematch: Kampar Campus committee members posing with freshmen

(Photo courtesy from UTAR ice-breaking and telematch Kampar Campus committee) 

 Some fun-filled activities during the ice-breaking and telematch sessions at Kampar Campus

(Photo courtesy from UTAR ice-breaking and telematch Kampar Campus committee)

Registration, Campus Tour and Mass Call Committee of Kampar Campus posing with freshmen of May 2019 intake after the campus tour programme

(Photo courtesy from Registration, Campus Tour and Mass Call Committee of Kampar Campus)

Campus tour for new students of Kampar Campus in progress

(Photo courtesy from Registration, Campus Tour and Mass Call Committee of Kampar Campus) 

The orientation was designed to facilitate newly registered students to undergo a smooth transition into university life. Many activities were held during the orientation week. The students had the opportunity to meet their seniors, faculty members, senior university officials, classmates and other freshmen.

During the meet-up session with SRC members, SRC Kampar Chairperson and Sungai Long Chairperson Representatives 2018/2019 briefed and explained to the freshmen about the roles and functions of SRC, how SRC can help them to solve their enquiries if they have any problems and how to look for them through the Facebook page if they could not find them on campus or in person.  They also shared with the freshmen the information they can obtain from the Facebook page and the events that SRC has organised so far.

Among the other activities organised during the orientation were a city tour, a new village tour, several ice-breaking and tele-match activities, a blood donation campaign, a community awareness campaign, peer mentoring programme, fire extinguisher demonstration and various talks on adjusting to campus life, study skills, soft skills and careers.

Some information booths setup for new students at Kampar Campus

(Photo courtesy from Registration, Campus Tour and Mass Call Committee of Kampar Campus)

 Some activities conducted during Peer Mentoring Programme

The freshmen were also exposed to the university’s rules and regulation and also the facilities and services available for the students. They were also taught on the library resources and facilities. It is compulsory for students to wear their student ID in the campus because they will be required to present their student ID when using library resources. Besides, they were also taught on how to look for online resources through the webpage, the duration to borrow books, fines for lost book, rules and regulations of the library and how to look for assistance or support.

On top of it, the new students were also taught to explore the world by participating in activities like student exchange programme, internship programme, study tour and the buddies programme. Besides, they also learnt the method of gaining certificates for certain schemes such as UTAR Undergraduate Research Scheme (URS) Certificate and also how to apply for financial aids such as PTPTN and scholarships. 

Freshmen actively participating and enjoying themselves at the game stations

When asked, Mass Call Manager Chuah Pei Lim said, “We have roughly spent three months preparing for the orientation. I would say, all the programmes went well and the cooperation between the committees was great. Orientation is very important. It is not only important in terms of providing information or some useful tips to survive at the university but it also serves as a great platform for the freshmen to meet their new friends. I regret that I did not attend the orientation when I was a freshman because it was hard for me to make friends during the first few months. So now, I always encourage them to attend the orientation.I hope that they will enjoy their university life. University is not only about studying but also networking with friends from different fields and they should also actively participate in the co-curricular activities which will benefit them. In my opinion, the university is different from primary and secondary education. It is more important to study for knowledge rather than results because at the end of the day knowledge and soft skills matter. As a member of the SRC, I learnt that time management is very important because we have to learn how to balance our time and work together with the SRC members. Besides time management, I also learnt how to communicate and coordinate with people to ensure things go smoothly. Hence, I would like to encourage the students to be a part of the SRC members. The journey in the SRC is like riding a rollercoaster, there is high and low along the road but you are not alone. There are 15 members who will work together with you and you will go through all the obstacles together. Step out of your comfort zone and you will find the other side of you!”

Noraiman Norizan, a new student from Shah Alam, who is about to pursue his  Foundation in Science said, “The orientation was great because it helped me to gain a better understanding about UTAR, its vision and mission as well as the services and facilities it provides. Among all the activities conducted, I liked the station games and the interacting time with the facilitators and other mentees the most. I chose UTAR to further my study because the duration to complete my degree at UTAR is shorter. It takes only four years altogether. To become an actuary is my ambition. Besides knowledge, I hope to learn and to embrace each other’s culture without discrimination at UTAR. ‘Live life to the fullest’, that is my motto as well as my word of encouragement to motivate myself!”

Last but not least, activities such as promotion and recruitment from clubs and societies, blood donation, and community awareness campaign also await the freshmen. Students may also stay tuned for the upcoming green campaign and gotong-royong, namely “Go Green- For a better tomorrow”. 

Sungai Long Campus orientation committee posing with freshmen

(Courtesy pictures from May 2019 orientation editorial team)

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