Planting trees to preserve peatland forest

As part of the continuous community outreach effort, the Department of Building and Property Management (DBP) of the Faculty of Accountancy and Management (FAM) participated in a tree planting activity on 23 March 2019 at Raja Musa Forest Reserve (RMFR).

The tree planting programme is a joint effort by the Selangor State Government, Selangor Forestry Department, Friends of North Selangor Peat Swamp Forest and the Global Environment Centre. The rehabilitation programme is supported by the HSBC Bank Malaysia Berhad and the Selangor State Government.

Led by FAM Dean Dr Sia Bee Chuan, the activity saw the participation of 10 FAM staff, namely Low Chin Kian, Dr Goh Hong Lip, Dr Chong Wei Lan, Dr Sheelah Sivanathan, Dr Chin Hon Choong, Dr Puvaneswary Thanaraju, Alexander Tay Guan Meng, Puteri Ameera binti Mentaza Khan, Nurhayati binti Md Khair and Fitriya binti Abdul Rahim. A total of thirty trees was successfully planted by the UTAR staff.

Peatland forests or peat swamp forests are a unique wetland ecosystem where partially decomposed organic matter has accumulated over thousands of years under waterlogged conditions to form carbon-rich soil, or “peat”. Peatland forests are crucial for biodiversity because it is a natural habitat for numerous flora and fauna which only exist in the particular area.

According to the officials from North Selangor Peat Swamp forest, they will continue to promote the monthly tree planting event in order to preserve and restore the fire deteriorated area into former glory after a devastating fire in the area during 2014.

For more information, kindly visit Global Environment Centre. 

 Raja Musa Forest Reserve (RMFR)

From Left: Alex Tay, Puteri Ameera, Nurhayati, Dr Puvaneswary, Fitriya, Dr Sheelah, Dr Chin, Dr Goh, Dr Sia, Dr Chong and Low Chin Kian

Low during tree planting process 1

Dr Goh during tree planting process 2

Dr Sheelah during tree planting process 3 

Dr Sia during the tree planting process

The demonstration of tree planting process

Briefing before commencing the event

The entrance of RMFR

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