Explore the World, Experience the Diversity

With the theme “Explore the World, Experience the Diversity!” the inaugural UTAR International Day 2019 was successfully held at Kampar Campus on 05 March 2019.

The UTAR International Day 2019 was jointly organised by the Division of Community and International Networking (DCInternet), Department of Student Affairs (DSA), Department of Soft Skills Competency (DSSC) and Department of International Student Services (DISS). It aimed to foster greater ties among international students as well as with the local staff and students.

The one-day event also aimed to provide staff and students with a platform to develop knowledge and skills in a globally interdependent and diverse world. 

The event was attended by more than 200 visitors. A total of eight booths featuring nine different economies, namely the Philippines, Australia, Germany, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Pakistan, Japan, South Korea and Malaysia were set up and ran by UTAR international students. The booths primarily featured the arts and cultural aspects of each economy such as traditional clothes, traditional food, traditional games and traditional musical instruments.  

From left: Ngan, Lee, Dr Lai, Dr Chen, Sherry and Chiang during the opening ceremony

Invited to grace the opening ceremony of the UTAR International Day 2019 were DCInternet Director Assoc Prof Dr Lai Soon Onn, Deputy Director Dr Chen, I-Chi, DSA Head of Kampar Campus Chiang Jeng Fong, DSSC’s Assistant Manager Lee Chew Yee representing DSSC Head of Kampar Campus Hee Chwen Yee, DISS Head of Kampar Campus Ngan Mun Wai, Westlake International School Principal Sherry Ann Daniel, UTAR staff and students.

In his opening speech, Dr Lai said, “I am glad to welcome all of you to the first ever UTAR International Day 2019 initiated by DCInternet, DSA, DSSC and DISS at Kampar Campus. We are also glad to have the Principal of Westlake International School and its students to be part of this meaningful event today. In today’s highly globalised world, cross-cultural influences are greater than ever before and isolation from the rest of the world is no longer an option for any sector in a modern society. Therefore, UTAR has been responding to globalisation by making internationalisation a key element of our strategies. We see a lot of opportunities offered by globalisation to expand the educational mission; adding an international dimension to our curriculum; promoting among our students a deeper understanding and appreciation of cultural diversity; engaging in collaborative research across countries.”

He added, “Our ultimate objective of internationalisation is to benefit our students by providing them with a global learning experience and thus broadening our horizons. By attracting foreign students to study at UTAR, we are creating an international environment that facilitates cultural and academic exchanges, and that at the same time enhances our students’ awareness that competition on a global scale is right here and they must be able to take up the challenge. On behalf of the University, I would like to extend our greatest appreciation to all staff from DCInternet, DSA, DSSC and DISS, UTAR outbound exchange students, inbound exchange students and their buddies who made this event possible.”

Students thronging the cultural booths

Marking the start of the event was an entertaining introduction session by a group of UTAR international students. Students from different economies introduced their homeland by raising the flag of their respective economies when the names were announced. It was then followed by an amazing singing performance by UTAR international students together with local students. The visitors of the opening ceremony were also treated with an energetic Karate performance presented by students from UTAR Karate-do Club.   

Students enjoying the hands-on activities structured in some booths

Apart from the intriguing opening performances, the visitors also took part in many other exciting activities, namely outbound mobility experiences sharing about Korea, China, Japan and Taiwan; cultural booths and art exhibition, hands-on experiences and mini-games as well as cultural performances.   

The visitors trying their hands on some traditional games

Chua highlighting the significance of cultural understanding

The event also included two enriching talks titled “Cross-Cultural Awareness and Appreciation” and “Why should I Go for Exchange?” by DSSC Assistant Lecturer Erica Chua Ning Jia and DCInternet Director Dr Lai respectively. The first talk on cross-cultural awareness and appreciation focused on the aspects of individual culture as well as on the importance of cross-cultural understanding and acceptance among the community. Erica’s talk also emphasised on the degrees of cultural awareness and techniques on how to be culturally aware.

Dr Lai explaining to students on the benefits of student exchange programme

Meanwhile, Dr Lai enlightened the participants and visitors on the importance of student exchange programmes and how it could change the students’ perspective about life. In his talk, he explained, “For those who would like to participate in outbound students mobility programme, your experience will definitely be valuable to your future life and career. You will stand out among the rest with a global mindset, adaptability and flexibility. Conversely, UTAR is one of the great destinations for an inbound exchange programme. UTAR provides international students with a unique multicultural environment to enhance their intercultural and social skills and to prepare them for careers in the globalised world of the 21st Century.”

One of the visitors Chan Mei Yi said, “I am delighted to see and feel the energy, positivity and happiness shown by both the international students and local students in promoting the cultural diversity. It is exciting to be here today and this engagement will always remain unique as I see different people from different cultural background come together to promote a sense of peace and love.”

Marking the end of the UTAR International Day 2019 was a group photograph.

All smiles for a memorable snap

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