Learning on communication and 4IR

Group photo of the speakers, FAS academics and participants

In conjunction with the three-day WOW Kampar 2019 carnival, the 1st Communication and Public Relations Seminar 2019 was held at Grand Kampar Hotel on 31 March 2019.

Complementing the carnival’s diverse and enriching activities, the seminar was jointly organised by UTAR Faculty of Arts and Social Science (FAS) Department of Public Relations (PR), Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) and award-winning company ROOTS PR. Themed ‘Moving towards the New Era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution’, the inaugural seminar aimed to provide a platform for academics, industry practitioners and students to share knowledge and exchange ideas on recent developments in the fields of communications and public relations in view of the advent of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR).

Kick-starting the seminar were two keynote addresses titled “Managing Crisis Communication in the Fourth Industrial Revolution” by PR external examiner Assoc Prof Dr Amiso George from Texas Christian University, United States; and “Unlocking the Fourth Industrial Revolution for Communication and Media Graduates” by UUM’s Dr Mohd Khairie Ahmad.

George (left) and Dr Mohd Khairie delivering their keynote addresses

To inculcate student participants with a love for research and to encourage meaningful discussions among participants, a student oral presentation session was also held. The session saw student participants from both UTAR and UUM presenting their research posters and findings within five minutes. UTAR PR student Caroline Gerard emerged victorious when she was presented two awards, namely the Best Poster Award as well as the Best Presenter Award. The other winners of the Best Presenter Award were UTAR PR students Lim Siew Sin and Chen Jia Yee. Also winning the Best Abstract Award were UTAR PR students Tang Soon Keat, Heng Siau Ching, Lee Jing Hua, Lim Wen Jie and Yap Wai Chong.

A student presenting his research finding in the five-minute presentation competition

FAS Dean Dr Lee Lai Meng (fourth from right) and FAS Department of PR Head S. Maartandan flanked by Best Abstract Award winners (from left) Yap, Tang, Wen Jie, Lee and Heng

FAS Dean Dr Lee Lai Meng (third from right) and FAS Department of PR Head S. Maartandan flanked by Best Presenter Award winners (from left) Chen, Caroline and Siew Sin

Further enriching the participants’ understanding of how communications and PR would evolve in the unprecedented 4IR was a forum in line with the seminar’s theme. Sharing the insights and experiences were IBM Malaysia Brand and Communications Manager Anita Matthews, who believed passionately that public relations practitioners should always strive to do the right thing; Centriq PR Managing Director Jacqueline Arnold who has 20 years of experience in strategic public relations; and Bridges PR & Events Account Director Leonard Heng who related the students’ concerns about their future with the current public relations landscape.

FAS PR lecturer P. Clarence Anthony moderating the forum featuring (from right) Heng, Jacqueline and Anita

An added bonus to the seminar was a Public Relations Workshop by ROOTS PR which is also UTAR Department of PR’s anchored corporation. The workshop was a platform to groom students and guide them in doing certain groundwork prior to entering the workforce such as resume writing and skills to answer interview questions.

Students brainstorming and presenting their ideas during the workshop

Group photo with Roots PR speakers, organising committee members and the participants

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