Shaping a healthy lifestyle

Zhang (second row, seventh from left) with the participants

“Zhang Fuyuan Postpartum Rehabilitation and Lower Limb Joint Skill training course” was organised by the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (FMHS) Centre for Research in Traditional Chinese Medicine (CRTCM) on 23 April 2019 at UTAR Sungai Long Campus.

The training aimed to educate the participants on thelifting techniques used for postpartum pelvic recovery and lower limb joint adjustment.

Invited to be the speaker was Taiwan Plastic Practitioner Zhang Fuyuan. He was known as “Taiwan’s first magic hand”. He is an influential freehand plastic practitioner in Asia and also the most popular health and beauty body coach in Taiwan. He has been invited to showcase his skills in many popular TV shows in China. He is also the World Chinese Medicine Bone Fracture Union Expert Consultant and Chairman of the Chinese General Health Promotion Association(中华整体健康推广协会).

Present at the training were UTAR TCM lecturers, alumni, students, Chinese Medicine Practitioner and Lower Limb Joint Insole Company employees.


Zhang began the training by sharing some important particulars about pregnancy, “It is important for ladies to take a good care of their pelvis before they decide to get pregnant. Otherwise, they will easily gain stretch marks, gain weight and back pain during the pregnancy stage and this would cause their knees to degenerate during the menopause stage.”

 “Almost all pregnant ladies will experience growth in their buttocks. It grows bigger as their belly grows. The growth is necessary for their pelvic bones, so that it would not cause a serious posture imbalance due to excessive leaning. Their stomach easily transforms after childbirth. This is because during pregnancy their stomach will be stretched to its limit, their lumbar vertebrae will become bigger and the same goes to their thoracic vertebra. They will also experience deformation in the cervical spine,” said Zhang. He also demonstrated how women can relieve mastitis during the lactation period.

He then continued, “After childbirth, it is important to have their abdomen tightened to get rid of the excessive fats in that area. Also, it is important to avoid starch and sweet beverages.” He then demonstrated how people could lose weight and tighten their abdomen in a short period of time by walking in a straight line. He also taught the audience how to check if they have come into contact with rectus abdominis separation problem which mostly takes place among people with big bellies, how to stimulate the rectus abdominis and how to close it. He also demonstrated how standing against a wall could help one to lose weight and ease the pain in the soles and heels within a week.

On top of that, he also explained and demonstrated how the incorrect way of walking and standing postures could cause pain to our soles and heels, and the importance of having a proper arch pad to avoid pain and protect our knees. “Most sandals, sold in the market, do not have the arch design which may cause a problem in supporting our weight. Our feet work like a spring; we walk with flexibility. Once the elasticity problem occurs, our knees will be the first to withstand this heavy impact and it will eventually cause pain and problems. Besides, a proper arch pad is important to shape our legs as well.” A demonstration was then shown to the participants on how to identify the shape of legs and how to correct the shape of legs, which could indirectly help with butt lifting.  

 Zhang demonstrating the proper way to treat the signs of our body

Zhang said, “The knees of an old lady degenerate because she did not take proper care of herself after her childbirth, especially her pelvis area. She probably wouldn’t feel anything when she is young but once she reaches the menopause stage, the strength of her muscles will become weaker. A knee joint degeneration causes back pain; this is not an accident but a process.”

The training then proceeded with a Q&A session followed by the presentation of a token of appreciation.

When asked, TCM students Weng May Faye, Pang Yi Wei and Chan Xiao Qing said, “The training given was very interesting but the contents of the training were limited due to time constraint. Furthermore, it would be better if we can organise this training somewhere spacious. The training conducted was relatable to our course. We can apply this in our clinical practices in the future.” 

 Participants actively involving themselves in the training

FMHS Chairperson for CRTCM Assoc Prof Dr Te Kian Keong (left) presenting the token of appreciation to Zhang

Dr Yap (left) presenting a certificate of appreciation to the teaching assistant

Dr Yap (right) presenting a certificate of appreciation to the teaching assistants


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